The words of a veteran: Ruslan Khanaferov Happy Veterans day - TopicsExpress


The words of a veteran: Ruslan Khanaferov Happy Veterans day to all my fellow veterans a.k.a. terrorists. Just in case you forgot, the DHS considers veterans terrorists. There is something to be said about a country which is ruled by banks, ran by criminals and proclaimed as a beacon of freedom. Your rights are being taken away and yet the government puts on a show like they have your back. Men and women are sent to fight the results of political/imperial meddling in foreign countries. There are evil people in this world sure, there are some which will hate you (American) for no reason at all. But those people are very few and very far in between. Most foreign countries that we invade, dont hate America because of our freedoms, they hate America because of how we (the people) allow ourselves to be manipulated into treating them. Why do we allow ourselves to be represented by those that do not have our best interest in mind? When is it going to be time to say, enough and represent ourselves and treat every human being with dignity and respect? You do not need a government to be your moral compass. Every war since World War 2 has been based on a political/economical agenda. We know that the war in Iraq was fought not because we were in danger from the Iraqis, but because of political/economical gain for the Empire of the United States. You do not need to be a genius to see past the lies fed to you on a daily basis by your elected representatives. So why do you allow yourself to glaze over the truth? Who are you fooling but yourself? You want to thank a Veteran? Do it by questioning why it is they are being used by politicians/banks/private interests. Dont give blind praise and say thank you for your service. Ask who it is that a Veteran truly serves. Men and women that sign up for service are noble people. Those who did not get a chance to come back, those who did come back but with injuries both physical and mental... Are noble people. They were lied to. They signed up to serve a cause which was not their own, but in the end, they served for each other and sacrificed for each other. They didnt sacrifice for the politicians, but they did sacrifice as a result of the lies of the politicians. WAKE UP, OPEN YOUR EYES. Want to thank a Veteran? Dont send them to unjust wars, while your own rights which Veterans are supposed to protect are being taken away by the government/banks. You are welcome to share this message if you agree and want to spread it to more people.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:22:54 +0000

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