The work of abolition is and always has been undergirded by two - TopicsExpress


The work of abolition is and always has been undergirded by two theological propositions: -First, that man was created by God in God’s own image and likeness. -Second, that the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, became flesh and dwelt among us, becoming like us in all things in order to pardon and redeem us from our sin, crush the head of the serpent, reverse the effects of the curse, and establish His Kingly reign over the earth. This second proposition is what we celebrate when we celebrate at Christmas time. Unfortunately, we very often think of the Incarnation as beginning in a stable with a manger and a star while shepherds rush in to behold their God and King. Yet, it is important to realize that the birth of Christ is not when the Word became flesh. No, the Incarnation had begun roughly nine months earlier. Before the wise men had brought their gifts, before Mary and Josephs long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, before Joseph had tried to put Mary away quietly, even before Elizabeths babe had leapt in his mothers womb at the approach of the Christ, there was a zygote. Miraculously created in the body of a virgin woman, it traveled down her fallopian tubes and successfully implanted into her uterine wall. Our Blessed God in the form of an embryo then proceeded to grow, developing brain tissue, pain receptors, fingers, eyes, toes, and every other body structure that we associate with being a part of the human race. And then the Great Messiah was born, laid in a manger, and worshiped as King. The magnitude of this second theological proposition in the work of abolition cannot be overestimated. Not only is this God-man the King who Abolitionists serve and wage war against the darkness on behalf of. More than that, His emptying of Himself to become like us in all things puts to rest any objection to the humanity and dignity of the the unborn. He has taken the context in which our society has determined it is acceptable to kill our fellow men and dignified it by His presence. He entered our world by implanting into the womb of a young, unmarried woman who did not choose to be with child. And though she bore the shame of being pregnant and giving birth out of wedlock, all generations have called her Blessed because she suffered evil for doing good. So, let us obey Him and love our unborn neighbors, rescuing those who are being led to the slaughter. Let us learn to sacrificially do good rather than sacrificing others for our good. Let us follow Him and correct the oppression so rampant in our land. Let us look upon Him and see the example that He has set for us to follow. Christmas ought to remind us of the work we have been left her to do and spur us on to do it! A//∀ noisetrade/lovejoy/behold-your-god-an-abolitionist
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:25:40 +0000

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