The work week is here and God can’t wait to bless us all, so - TopicsExpress


The work week is here and God can’t wait to bless us all, so start the day in His word and make sure we all make an impact on the people at work today, bless you. The Word of the Day “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5 Meekness is not to be confused with weakness. In Scripture, meekness means “power under control.” In this context, the contrite, praying person is blessed with the indwelling control of the Holy Spirit and the inheritance promised to the believer even in conflict. History shows that it is the people who have learned this, people with their passions, instincts and impulses under disciplined control, who have been great. Blessed are those whose every instinct, every impulse, and every passion is under the control of God’s Spirit! They will be right with God, self and others and enter the life which God alone can give. Pray for this meekness when entering into dialogue with those of opposing positions. There will be times when patience and self-control will be sorely tested. There may also be times when the Spirit will suggest a change of direction in the dialogue or a strategic retreat that looks suspiciously like defeat. Today we will face disgruntled people, devastating circumstances and disappointing situations, but remember what it means to be meek is to be able to willingly accept temporary defeat in order that there may later be victory in the Spirit as we make a difference at work for the Kingdom.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:52:47 +0000

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