The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are - TopicsExpress


The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy; they are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness. He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name! The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever! (Psalm 111:7-10 ESV) Praise God this morning that all He does is faithful and just! In a world where one thing is certain, everyone will let you down sometime, the One True God never changes His character, never changes His opinion of you, or never loves you any less because of your actions! He does require your repentance to mend the broken relationship with him because He is the Holy God and cannot look on sin, but His love remains. That brings peace like a slow running river to my soul this morning. The precepts, or commands, of The Lord are trustworthy. The Old Testament believers had many legalistic rules they had to follow, however the ones established by the Father are actually in our best interest! They help us become better citizens, better children, better spouses, and most of all better followers of the the King of kings. This passage upholds the truth that the Word of God is still as relevant today as when it was inspired by the Spirit to be penned on Holy Scrolls. We are to faithfully live out the commandments of God Almighty by living decent, honest, ethical lives and by treating people with kindness. Our Father in Heaven loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die on Calvary for us! Jesus defeated sin and death by rising victoriously 3 days later! This victory is established for all who are willing to accept the saving grace of the Spotless Lamb! He is awesome and holy and mighty to save! We should worship Him with our very lives. There are many names with which we may want honor our Savior when we pray, give thanks, or worship Him for all that He has done. God Almighty has so many names to call out to during our praise of Him! The Holy Spirit must never be left out of our praise and adoration for the work He performs daily in our lives! We must never show disrespect by unsung their name in vain or talking about them as if they were of no consequence. I am scared to death of spiders! I hate them! I fear them! This is NOT the type fear we are to have of The Lord (unless we reject His son). He deserves our reverential awe, our adoring respect! When we begin to understand this and show this in our daily lives others will see a difference in us before we notice it ourselves! With each new answered prayer stop and give the Seeker of your soul the honor and respect He deserves! He is an awe inspiring, Mighty God that is ready to show His marvelous works to you today! Lord I am in awe of You! I love You! Thank You for providing commands that are for our own good! Help us realize with each new day comes new opportunities to serve you better than the day before. Remind us that when all else is falling in on us You remain, Faithful and True! We give you all honor and all glory and all praise. You are so very worthy!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:50:03 +0000

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