The world as I see it is on the brink of a dangerous precipice. - TopicsExpress


The world as I see it is on the brink of a dangerous precipice. Possibly it has always been thus. Since all things in the universe eventually cease to exist, this teetering on the edge of disaster may be the default state for all things. This being said I can’t help but believe that there is much we as humans could do to extend our time here and make for a more enjoyable experience. So what is the problem? The problem is we are eating our planet and defecating where we eat. We have always done this but now to a degree that replenishment and recovery is becoming impossible. Of course common sense says that anyone with half a brain would stop doing something if that something was destroying the only home they have or will probably ever have. So why don’t we stop? The short answer is greed. “But I’m not greedy” you say “I only want what everyone else has” And that’s the problem. If everyone had what everyone else had, the earth would implode from the sheer weight of all the stuff and probably before it had a chance to expire from the toxins spewed forth from the making of all that stuff. So why can’t we recognize our mistakes and remedy the harm we are doing to ourselves? Well it’s not that we can’t reform our bad habits, it’s that we don’t want to. Delaying gratification has never been a strong human trait, especially among our insatiable leaders of industry and power. Besides, those same avaricious political, religious and corporate leaders of the free and not so free world are feeding us whatever snake oil it takes to keep us on track, supplying them with ever growing profits and power. We are drinking the company kook-aid every time we turn on a TV, open a newspaper, go to church, listen to a politician, buy an advertised product, fill a prescription, or talk to anyone that has done any of those things. I would say that the most potent of all these stupefying mind controls is propagated by our religious leaders. By advocating blind faith in their interpretation of butchered ancient parables they have made whole populations turn against truth, science, reason, and each other. More than ever before we need science and it’s deductive reasoning to show us where we are messing up and how we can reverse our most destructive trends. I know, this is a touchy subject, I get angry every time I think about it and I’m sure many will be angry with me for even bringing it up but the truth is that all of or deities with the possible exception of the sun, were invented by us. Invented by us in the hope that a belief in a supernatural being along with a set of rules would help us cope with each other and a world that we largely did not understand. I mentioned the sun as a possible exception because that is the only one that truly does reside in the heavens and has made possible our life on earth. At one time science and religion got along very well, in fact many religions taught that science was a way of witnessing God’s splendour. Not any more. Today’s religions are very busy debunking science and erasing 2,500 years of empirical evidence. Evidence that can help us out of the mess we have created for ourselves. Ever since it was discovered that the uninformed were much easier to control, religion has been used as a tool to keep the masses dumb and blind. Believe me, I don’t care if you worship your god, your dog or your crack pipe. It’s none of my business. But when your religious beliefs obstruct humanity’s best efforts to clean up it’s act, I have an issue with it. Climate change is only the tip of the iceberg. It is the topic that is getting or should be getting the most attention but also our understanding of how we evolved, how the planet works for us, our biology, our psychology and our history has all been rewritten, sugar coated, and spoon-fed back to us. These self-centred, truth fearing, agenda pushing, megalomaniacs will stop at nothing to ensure their short term profits and feed their insatiable vanity. OK, yes I am venting now but before I settle down I also need to tell you that climate change is not a debate, it’s the truth. Natural selection is not a debate, it’s the truth. People with guns kill people, it’s not a debate, it’s the truth. So long as you believe these things are debatable you can dismiss them as undecided or take either side and think yourself righteous. More truth. Islamic terrorists are doing unspeakable evil in the name of their religion. They also would like to end the reign of terror brought about by gun-toting, capitalist, planet consuming Americans by any means necessary. Oh and that capitalist, planet consuming part goes for the entire western world, not only America. Western expansion including the crusades, the settlement of the Americas and the control of the entire world’s resources by us pale skinned Caucasians has caused more death and destruction then anybody else, ever. We did this in the name of Christianity and our divine right to rule over all the creatures of the earth. Now we do it because someone must rectify the injustice in the world and oh ya, because of our divine right to rule over all god’s creatures. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. It’s all about greed and it always was. Speaking of expansion. Expansion is exactly what we should not be doing. Expansion is what will end this all for everyone. Expansion in the form of uncontrolled population growth, uncontrolled farming, uncontrolled resource gathering, uncontrolled consumerism and uncontrolled stupidity. Let’s try contracting for once. Have less babies, eat less food, use less energy, buy less stuff. There are a few areas that I think we should expand on and maybe while we still have the riches to do it we should expand on education, medical sciences, the arts and anything else that will make us smarter, healthier and more creative. We are going to need those traits if we are ever going to get ourselves out of the horrible mess we have made.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 00:50:10 +0000

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