The world gets darker here is three lights of mine then a piece - TopicsExpress


The world gets darker here is three lights of mine then a piece with just some thoughts and then two pieces just for fun these have been read by six thousand two hundred sixteen people on the whole five hundred and four pieces have been read by two hundred thirty eight thousand people it will reach three hundred thousand by Christmas it is reaching people Cherokee Grandmother I remember the hours I spent at your side a crippling disease bound you to a wheel chair but as life of the physical became limited And activity receded in to distant past memories your spirit blossomed and grew strong and vibrant under difficult circumstances You were transformed from the light energetic always on the go traveler to one who became conceptualized and grounded flights of Deep brooding and understanding replaced the open by ways of this life the tests brought rewards that showed in your changed Personality and life something unattainable became common place advancing years was not the delivery system but suffering kept From the seemingly desirable all important action and endless treks to faraway places your compensation inward discovery no longer Reaching for selfish goals gave you the treasure the fulfillment of knowing the saviors designs and hopes and dreams for your life Your notable place in life was that you did more from a wheel chair than others that had no restrictions you gave me the colorful Landscape that you found from an altered journey you said the pristine forest green the places of shadowed dreams was where This lands first people were given ultimate truth it was carried throughout the holy land and to the ends of the earth that meant it reached this land it came as one walked a life time in a forest always confused the trees held the sky in limited view but the Time came when the forest opened into a great clearing then how the mind was enlarged by new realities that were open and clear No longer blocked and holding the sky muted now thoughts grew grand and true a mist descended from the great hoary mountain In it was a spirit not one to disrupt and distract but one who made all things crystal clear to seek only gain for one self was Counterproductive give yourself away and then how surprisingly clear the path would become and how much more you could achieve From this simple practice everything was so perfect and easy to follow the Great Spirit was a father who made us all had great plans For his children but then his own most favored and trusted friend was found to have a different spirit earth experienced a great Lighting strike this was not the natural wonder being displayed but the battle lines being drawn up for a war that would be waged until The end of time and at the end of many days more lighting and darkness filled a mount called Golgotha the father showed his All consuming love by coming into the human existence and once and for all making freedom possible for all through this act And obedience to the rules that followed true lasting freedom was offered but confusion was sown in every corner of the earth Doubt was bred into the fabric of life only displaced by receiving faith through the true and sacrificial lamb no longer doomed to a Downward spiral you could catch the bestowing life from purest holy compelling that came to lead sustain forgive make you a new Creature empowered to walk above low depravity walk encircled in love contested by all the means at heavens disposal by this you Would be judged only for reward not separation and everlasting punishment that is the fate of our great enemy as you can see this was A lot for a child to take in but in this knowledge and wisdom I have known great comfort and hope life Force Tribute to Eva Wafford For all who lost heroes She entered the dark uncharted waters of widowhood her son was spared in the semi truck wreck that killed Her husband through him she was saved and I had a replacement mother And a guiding light that she was able to provide in spite of her pain In your soul freshly the wind of death did blow. Cold eerie shadows marched against your tender broken heart. What defense could this onslaught repel agony’s volcanic flow. Ominous well filled with grief from this weight no relief. The child the grim reaper did spare. Only after leaving the body bruised and in despair. From this broken body drops of mercy started to make the mother well. I held your trembling frame today this memory rings sweet as a bell. Streets and houses without number fill the land. I can’t help when I look to recall memories grand. Now they are but dreams that ache in the night. Images that over ride the present in their glory I take flight. Brush aside caution raise your voice as a trumpet. They live only in yesterdays even so indelibly they wrote their stories. We hold our children we cling only a moment as mist on the summit. Your life Eva continues to build the next generation. Your voice is heard in the breath of your grandchildren. Wonders they spin from golden thread, now that you have gone ahead. Your spirit glows in the fire that warms the house against winter. Summer’s cool breeze not sent by chance she doe’s tenderly incite. Death silently said what I already knew. To me you were always immortal you were bigger than life Many were the days when the wind of storms blew Those who know us feel the calm; this is only your life on review Jim To start I am amazed and baffled why such a loser as myself has had the privilege of knowing so many uncommon people. If nature won’t tolerate a vacuum then God will not allow a deficit life so if one is incomplete he will surly surround it with the right amount of good people. Old Abe said it right ‘It is right and fitting that we speak these words here to honor these lives so honorably lived. I can say that about Jim and this also he was a prince among men if I do this right the words will convince you. He had a gentle way and nature he spoke softly but a softness that flowed to you like ribbons that bounced in a little girl’s hair how delightful. He should have been a doctor his hands his mannerism was ideal for that job. I guess thats what made him stand out so strongly like a gentle calm breeze if you came in a panic his soul would float down around you like a parachute first it safely brings you from great anxiety and exaltation to a graceful landing then gently envelops you in its silken embrace. I had this privilege of watching him inter act with his wife as I said and truly he was a prince and I was the beggar that benefitted richly from the sidelines God knew my needs. He was called from this life but all the days he filled before his home going are the sustaining force noticeably seen felt with keen awareness you know that a gentleman passed this way. In the lives left behind there is a blend of sadness and astonishment you realize you are looking at the work of a master workman who left behind a tightly and perfectly fitted family this unfortunately is sadly rare in this society that boast of its accomplishments. As a friend his breadth and depth was sufficient you weren’t a burden he had a way of dispelling trouble making you understand with wisdom and unerring judgment then with ease you could extricate yourself from the problem. His heavenly father filled him with tenderness it stood him and others well in a somewhat crabby world. If you’re pressed and anxious about life take from this life expressed. A portion of the good will you need use it as a defense Jim couldn’t be everywhere but God saw fit to make an original that you can duplicate benefit from and be a part of his ongoing legacy. Thanks friend for a life lived well Heavenly Amulet Dedicated in part to Iva and Terry and their ever lasting love First to describe what it is made from and then what it ultimately is and what it means I will just be able to give description in part it is too great for any one person to do justice to it I choose To use what some may call and object used in ceremony by unlearned superstitious people but you will See this has none of that going on but I ‘am hunting big game in that regard maybe you are setting in a Chair in your house apartment yes but also you are on a planet suspended in space a space that an UN manned space ship Voyager is on a trip of exploration one day it will pass from our galaxy the Milky Way and go into many galaxies but it will never come to an end because its journey is carrying it into Infinity one of the stars is a hundred times bigger than earth they are more numerous than the sand on The sea shore but it is said that God knows them each and every one by name David said we are Fearfully and wonderfully made my point is we are spirit and flesh the flesh perishes daily but the spirit Is Renewed daily this all goes into the qualities and perfected ingredients that make up the amulet I’ am Writing about here is a couple of human examples this is what can happen when you see the real truth About the body and spirit Dr Albert Schweitzer was from High German society his credentials include Theologian, Musician, Philosopher, Physician, and medical missionary and his home was in a safari tent In the African jungle one of his many visitors was the actor Hugh O’Brian after this meeting Hugh went Back home and sold his big pretentious car bought a used one and modeled his life after Schweitzer this Great man came to realize what he really was not the outer that passes away but he was immortal and Understood solidly what that meant our trouble with the Arabs is their identity problem they fret at Deadly levels about the glories of the past and what as a nation they contributed in mathematics Language now they reproach themselves and then the disgraceful aspect they are ruled by the west Again they should take pride in their heritage and within the frame work of the given reality they could Be great benefactors through the oil riches that were put in their hands and by changing their moral Compass to the spirit they could amaze the modern world and the other human content in this amulet it Can’t be discussed without bringing Lincoln into it from the humblest beginnings he became towering Giant his words blaze with grandeur significance and other worldly wisdom when it happened I don’t Know while swinging an axe or while reading by candle light he fused his small life into the great current That is flowing eternal his accomplishments superceded that of his backwoodsman’s life by eons I finish With that part of the amulets fascinating qualities now if I follow what I discussed with my wife which Was so painful several times I was interrupted by tears and was not able to be audible one of the things Was widowhood I speak in particular about Iva recently certain influences have passed into my life it Plays out here dreams joys love is unquestionably the most powerful force we can ever know I Tried to lay the ground work that the flesh is limited but by the spirit we can now and in the future will Override the sad state of affairs of living in this body that imprisons us restricts us because We are now in this physical life there was a great quotation of course out of date now because of Refrigeration but it said God gave us memories so we could have roses in December this I do know that Spiritual connection does exist between us and our lost loved ones but that the flesh is so dense And insensitive the connection is poorly or nonexistent my words speak of the beauty of the spirit Nothing is impossible to it so we have to reconnect the broken by imagination my unaltered thought it Will always be this truth what was will always be its Ida birthday this week the room only glows slightly The music is soft and from eternal shadows Terry steps forth this magical moment is provided by purist Love they join in tender embrace the flood of years together and apart breaks over them it’s like he only Left moments ago Terry has lost little things that use to bug her but now there are new ones look at Him not one thing has changed except all that is better but he got that way by divine aid on the other Hand she has grown into this beautiful woman of grace and softness that glows with character it’s his Time to be envious but she knows she got that way by doing it one day at a time love tumbles down a Richer measure than the music can ever do new promise is born deep within each heart that was Beating Stronger the longing ever so briefly was short circuited in powerful arms he seemed to carry her On air as they swayed to other worldly rhythms there isn’t a clock where love is concerned because love Is timeless it is placed on a steadfast but oh so flimsy when it comes to physical endurance if we were Only able to see love as God sees it is it not the shimmering living picture that is from the bottom of the Floor to the ceiling within is the telling vibrancy a currency more valuable than all others nothing else Can take two very different lives and create one that streams bliss and longing a selflessness that stirs And moves hearts to heights of appreciation a otherwise place of only rumor and place of tall tales but Here between two people cherished thoughts are visible touching and powerful built by stones hewn From quarries that reach back before time and have a future that is without end building materials of Feeling emotion faith and honor all else would only be fables nothing could be that sure and have Such endurance pillars of fire that burns and its end is in purification the arching unfamiliar to one Looking from the outside but for the two in the center when the countenance of another can melt you With a look and when eyes are locked together has the power to make the whole world fall away Nothing else exists or should exist love has a bridge unseen the other side holds spectacle splendor Fulfillment laughter romance announced in royal castles on the highest hills not even the richest can Purchase what Terry and Iva have it is secure guarded and promised by He who is all love widowhood is A robber but his plunder is of truth but the riches outweigh this temporal division and though Sorrow as keen as it is makes loss into wellsprings where denial exists then courses unknown open and You love the departed even more than before ever greater waves reach that other shore you have Heaven then you feel this rapturous deep wave’s made noble by the caldron that has tears that over Time Become far more valuable than diamonds and swells of emotional dreaming of a future day all that We long for in life are constant gift to the departed these truths are mighty in force between Terry and Iva for her birthday visit and the sweetness of parting with the statement see you ihasta manana in English it means see tomorrow the tomorrow that now are seen through tears but then joy and rapture Hugs will be without this divide the surging racing of the most clear and beautiful river will be surging in Our hearts your hardship is harder than mine because I dwell in pure love and you must contend with Human l life that isn’t clear and free thoughts are muted where here they burst and grow as you are Taking in a great harvest where on earth you must be content with a small garden here your forehead is Always shining for two reasons such wondrous thoughts occur continuously and His glory shines from The throne brighter than the noon day sun when you walk in the sunshine and it touches you know that Part of it is me touching you it can’t be as powerful as when its starts because earth regrettably has A diffuse system so see it as when I use to kiss you tenderly if I didn’t say it I was saying thank you For being mine and that you will be mine forever now that is half true be well my beloved my eyes are Ever on you as the French say not goodbye but Au revoir it means till we see each other again and I do Know all the languages and French is the language of love in my mind you appear in all the loveliest Places in Arabian nights on the shore of the St. Guadalupe River that has the most shinning waters like Your smile that is like day light dawning or in the lovely foots hills of the Sierra Nevada the Brazos River Country because with you in them they are the picture of my beloved rest with the peaceful knowledge It won’t be long now I have it on good account now the streets of gold then the gold in the streets will Blend with our golden hearts which we refined in life and death by the High blaze we truly gave up all That tarnished the gold now only the purist golden love is all that remained I love you I had to stop writing last night around two I got to sleepy I had to delete a half a page it was just like Writing a report it was lifeless when I came back to write I prayed that Christ would cleanse me with his Blood so what I write would be truly pure it worked because I was broken by tears hard to see the keys That way but I wouldn’t write any other way now the amulet grows dark because it is a living reality stop Here if you are easily wounded I wrote already about my home Fremont California in night thoughts I Described the shooting death of a teenager on a bike in broad day light a distance up the street we lived On just because he was Mexican and just a week later a Mexican mother missed her ride at midnight to Go an work at a nursing home her teenage daughter went worth her because she was afraid I know the Place this happened very dark a man I say a man he had human features let say he got out of his car Picked up a fallen tree limb and beat them both to death as they screamed into the cell phone to their Helpless relatives yes the amulet shows a dark ominous Black like an ink well was knocked over and the Ink rushed over the face your reaction is disbelief stunned a disconnection occurs that same thing Happened before but on a grander scale in the garden when our first parents fell the same thing Happened a darkness covered the globe leaving natural light unaffected but men and women’s minds Were darkened they could do everything as before but they could only practice unrighteous acts as seen When Cain slew righteous Abel there was a way to connect and do right but like to day most just strayed farther and farther from true right living only the coming of the pure one that would be slain and by this Sacrifice only could you have your mind freed and you by the spirit can walk free and please the most Holy one He was beaten to the point you could only tell He was human because He stood upright and Had limbs it was brutal but that was the cost to purge the vile disease we all suffer from that bleeding Broken lamb was taken from that cross and His resurrection cast a new light over the whole earth the Amulet glowed take cotton white clouds white snow and your getting how white and pure the amulet Became this is in the heart of every soul that is redeemed it is the Holy Spirit it is shining and will shine Into that perfect day don’t continue without it you rob your own soul of everything that is clean and Decent and it will fill that ache in the heart that desires something all those that chase the next drug High or the next conquest of another human how pathetic and it grinds those that practice it into a Powder of Shame and guilt and a destination that only will end in flames why would anyone be that Careless with Their own soul when there is a Heavenly Amulet waiting for you Bedazzled Dreamer Put the long boat in the deep waters of the mind the calm peaceful knowing all is glowing we glide not Knowing where were going the subconscious will be our guide dividing the two worlds the quiet Submersible is wild anything may be floating in these depths we have left shore far behind truly We have entered unchartered waters there is no fixable Bering a lustiness takes over there is no helm Just a pervading looseness not unsettling but truly uncharacteristic for the coconscious must always Have a grip a grasp of what is where it is and every detail must be quantified now all senses are blown A storm is brewing its far reaches unknown but there is softness that excludes fear the overriding Thought is possibilities can be forged maximized eternalized thoughts are ghost like unknown entities They were formally known but now remain a mystery dislodged from thought bases that are not solid All is free association tantalizing in one sense then disconcerting in another what do I do with my mind Surly it has jumped off the track I could be bewildered if I could get a hold on the situation free flowing Unspoken but still distinctively saying volumes where is the slow button reams voluminous thoughts Are spewing into nothingness being lost I can’t keep up the discernible is mixed with eons and theorems Time and space is void of meaning the world here is elastic mass it convulses at will no parameters exist The only thing constant is high velocity change being in one place is impossible all is jumbled who stirred This caldron in my mind voice and pure thought are the same think it know it what burdensome lives we Live when it is all a tattered sail on rough seas we behold nothing know nothing in the extreme Romanticism blurts out sail for Trafalgar we are strangers in a plush gifted void try as we will there is No simple answers but we are a simple people truly the only time were are fit is when we are sound Asleep well then sleep on and I will do the same dreaming is therapeutic just think how crazy we would Be without it Childhood First what I learned about business at six years old my sister and cousin were out in the pasture behind the house on Jefferson St We were this messing around and we found these turnips in a line in these little piles with weeds piled on top they were covered With little flakes of ice very cold on bare fingers we weren’t deterred before long the little red wagon was bulging or this was The sales and delivery truck so now let’s find some customers so off we went door to door people were pleased and we did a crisp Business success came to fast we were up at Beno’s little standard gas station spending our windfall so back to work well Got back to the house and then I thought man uncle Fred was living in the office now defunct after the green house went down We all have old uncles how sweet fun loving knee slapping koots hold on big sale straight ahead so I knocked on the door the door Opens wide prospective customer is ready to be sold uncle Fred would you like to buy some turnips then it happened right above his Collar red started to rise it was surprising to say the least it seemed like right then was when the ping pong game started in my mind it would Bounce back and forth front to back one side was thinking this is wild then hey this looks like a thermometer how is he doing that Then as it kept going to his full white head of hair one part of the Childs brain is it going to catch on fire about then the top of his head Didn’t blow off the only place available came to life this great roar emits from his mouth if this was a peanuts comic strip our Hair would all be blown straight back I also didn’t know he had been a sailor and I thought he had me confused with someone else I Heard that happens to older folks he spoke as though he thought we had a hearing problem then the mistake he said you sons a b——- No I’m Lavern’s boy your sisters daughter he said what were you doing in my turnips back to the back part of the brain I was thinking Thank God we already cashed out our profits butter fingers baby Ruth’s bubble gum and all the other candy was all I was thinking Well and how to go out of business gracefully mostly in a hurry how fast can you get a wagon in motion going the other direction maybe it was me but from then on he looked like he looked on us with a birds eye and we were worms to tell the truth I’m still not a Great fan of turnips later I learned the line cussing like a sailor I thought he must have really sailed long and hard. How come your brain doesn’t have a red flashing light when you’re going to do something stupid Halloween night eight years old? Costume or lack of one go out as Minnie pearl straw hat corn cob pipe and dress the late October wind was alive to say the least Legs so use to cover and warmth now pop cycles so high then the thrill of cold wind whipping up you rear what to do slap your legs Together that only would help the inside cross your legs then you couldn’t walk only thing left grin and bear it what else could go Wrong walk up to the door the guy whips the light on why couldn’t a lady have come to the door an old lady so it’s show time for Effect I suck on the pipe one problem the idiot who made the pipe didn’t clean out the dust when he drilled the well part of the pipe No problem I cleaned it out the tongue barely felt it the throat got the whole load so for the next three minutes I choked gagged spit All Over the guys yard he was quiet amused it seems later I found a piece of paper that said inspected by number fifty four I wanted to Write a letter dear fifty four but I didn’t have any other address and I was to small any way so frozen somewhere from the middle of My shorts down half strangled I hate Halloween. Almost childhood The Jefferson gang went to the lake to camp out we were in this hideaway deserted spot off the main lake at the end of a slough It was as black as the end side of a barrel and cranes are almost extinct well why this one had to stay alive at our camp site It would fly over the water right at you then make this terrifying sound it was like a white specter a ghostly sight and it just kept doing It well what do the brave do I can’t speak for them but I can speak for five spooked cowards we all jumped into a pup tent for two all Of us were armed with shotguns all I know is if a farmers bull or cow walked up and mooed it would have been cow dunnie everywhere A tent hanging in tatters and all of us chocking from gun powder at close quarters and deaf somehow we sucked up our guts and went To bed it was five thirty in the morning it was nice and cold but I had pants on I was down at the edge of the water the mist was over The water and then the biggest boom it was like a farmer had been blowing out a stump with dynamite and forgot the last stick or it Was the crack of doom maybe it was I whirled around and there was Jesus standing right in front of the camp fire his Indian blanket Held straight out with both arms I heard how he turned water into wine but he turned our campsite into chef Boyardee spaghetti Factory well at least Charlie Cole did he came late into the camp out idea he wasn’t there when we were told to punch a hole in the Can Before you throw it in the fire to heat it up he had scalding hot spaghetti on his face in his hair all over the tree limbs he continued His Christ like imitation like he was amazed or in deep worship where ever he was he felt no pain maybe he was where the can went we never did find it I hope no one was blown out of bed by the blast well it didn’t make the paper I guess all kinds of crap happens at the lake.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 23:21:59 +0000

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