The world has never been bigger than it is today. And now, dont - TopicsExpress


The world has never been bigger than it is today. And now, dont hate me for saying that, because I know the worlds always been huge. Today, I can post this status and it will be seen across the world (The thought freaks me out), and people from Africa, England, Dubai, Sweden, Italy etc. can read, relate or reply to my statuses. I can also go on the internet and look up whats happening right now in Italy, or get advice and stories from a Greek Harry Potter fan. Most of those things werent possible a hundred years ago. They had to rely on each other, and be nice to the people around them, and its so weird that we have all those things today and dont ever think twice about it. We learn about whats right and whats wrong, and whats different and whats not from the internet, because thats where everyones own personal stories are. If I lived a hundred years ago, I wouldnt have ANY clue what (Insert Japanese girl name here) was doing in Japan. I wouldnt know whats normal there, and what I wouldnt be allowed to do there if I traveled to her country. The internets such an amazing place, and this is all the reason for why Im addicted to my computer, and not my own city (Which Ive been in since I was born. Ive grown quite bored of it, to be honest.). People who say sitting in front of a computer is a bad life has no idea what the internets capable of. If people who lived a hundred-and-fifty years ago had the option to see whats happening in Turkey right now through a computer, then they would want to do it. Were doing that right now. Except, were taking it for granted. You all need to be thankful for what we have around us today. Be thankful for the opportunities we have, and for the technology that has changed our lives. Appreciate the people around you, the memories and the beauty this world has to offer. Ignore the dark side of the internet, the world and let go of all your problems for a minute, take a deep breath, hug the people you love and do something really cool the moment you stop reading this very long (I apologise if Im a boring admin) status. How can you do this, you might ask? Well, if you want to celebrate the fact that we have these amazing opportunities, then talk to a friend that lives in another country you wouldnt have been able to travel to a hundred years ago, or read a Wikipedia article about what life used to be like back then. People had no way of entertaining themselves with a computer, because computers didnt exist back then. Instead, they had family, friends and books and newspapers and stuff like that. So, go read a book. If you already love doing that, then thats really, really amazing. I love books, too. I love shutting off my phone, and focusing on the book I have in front of me. I love visiting a world through words, and experiencing it in my own head. That was one of the only ways they could travel to other countries and worlds without using a car. And even with a car, they couldnt ever have traveled to countries like Australia or New Zealand. Appreciate what you have, appreciate life. Where the idea for this status came from, I have no idea. My statuses are incredibly random. - Amicus
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 22:20:53 +0000

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