The world has to see this...the writing is clearly on the - TopicsExpress


The world has to see this...the writing is clearly on the wall...I, Lubia Leroy Evore as a committee of one, has found that Mr. Peter Oneill has a case to answer in relation to the Paul Paraka bills. I would like to peacefully convey a simple message to Mr Peter Oneill, and all his lawyers, and his cohorts: This is your time. This is your era in power. Do everything and anything you can do now, while the sun has not yet set upon you. Today, the law cannot do anything to you for you are able even to trample upon the law and kick it around like a soccer ball to your own advantage. But the beauty of all this is that, you aint gonna live forever. Great kingdoms, men 20 times the man Peter Oneill is have risen and fallen. Governments have risen and fallen. Hittler, Mussolini, Stalin, Sadam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, all have fallen, must I remind you? But the even more beauty about all this is that time does not run for Criminal Law. Have your time now, do what you can, WE ARE COMING FOR YOU! There is a generation that is coming up that is rooted and grounded in the Word of God and in the principles of honesty and justice, a generation that will uphold the Rule of Law without fear or favor. A generation that do not define themselves with the little tribes and linguistic groups they belong to, but define themselves as Papua New Guineans united towards the greater good and a changed Papua New Guinea. A generation that hates evil, wickedness and corruption from the core of their hearts. A generation that will not allow an offender of the law to go unpunished. A generation that will not talk and dream about it, but will do something about it and live it. This is the generation that will implement the original intentions and wishes of the framers of our Constitution and the dreams of many outstanding Papua New Guineans who longed to see this come to pass. THIS IS THE GENERATION THAT IS COMING FOR YOU, AND WHEN THEY COME, YOU SHOULD WISH YOU WOULD BE LONG GONE BY THAT TIME. To the Papua New Guinean men who are comprised of MPs, Police Force, Bureaucrats etc (some of whom claim to be holy men and pastors) who, for some astounding reasons, are still not able to see Peter Oneill for the man he is, and allow him to toy around with you to achieve his personal and selfish interests, I want to ask you this and you should ask yourself this too, WHERE IS YOUR MANHOOD? WHERE IS THE MAN IN YOU? HAVE YOU ANY MANHOOD AT ALL? YOU HAVE GONE SO LOW TO DEFY YOUR OWN MANHOOD TO ALLOW ONE MAN, ONE MAN, TO TOY AROUND WITH YOU MANY MEN. YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE RECORDED IN THE PAGES OF MEN THAT HAVE BEEN BORN INTO THIS PLANET. It is sad that even Peter Oneill himself can call himself a MAN, but you, YOU ARE NOT MEN! BY YOUR OWN ACTIONS YOU HAVE EXTINGUISHED YOUR RIGHT TO THAT NAME!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 23:07:41 +0000

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