The world in general, including Jews, seems happy to take the - TopicsExpress


The world in general, including Jews, seems happy to take the fruit of Jewish labor.. yet oddly not mildly interested in helping those same Jews whose labor in Art, Science, Politcs they so covet... Should Jews keep trying to make it a better world? Why Tikun Olam when the world in spite of all the good done, seems to be no better? How does one remain steadfast in the blind belief that humans are generally good and will eventually come around and see the error of their ways given enough time and not loose hope? Those are the questions one battles, when trying to make a difference because when attempting to make a difference one is inextricably faced with a world that refuses to see a need for something better. It views you as the crazy one and it does its best to bring you down. And those who you thought, based on their words would be your staunchest allies are those who think you are the craziest but should you succeed, they will attempt to be your close allies to float on coattails, they surely dont deserve. The encouragement and hope will come in times of great despair and from least expected places. One just has to persevere through negativity of the world that one so valiantly tries to change. For if change were easy, we would not extol the change makers. For they have gained our respect by proving us wrong and making our lives better, not because of our encouragement, but in spite of our resistance. My hope and prayers are with the Kechene Jews of Addis-Ababa who had nearly all their Synagogues shut down last week. They have battled to keep their culture and tradition in spite of what their neighbors said, what the world said and even what other Jews said. It is another hurdle in a tough 2000 year history but you have made it thus far alone, and if it matters, I am with you as you jump another.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 06:51:00 +0000

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