The world is a vast place. A huge sphere (by our standards, - TopicsExpress


The world is a vast place. A huge sphere (by our standards, scientists would disagree to this) that is home to millions of living organisms including the infamous (and if you have guessed it before finishing this then congrats you are probably a) human beings. Humans or homo sapiens (relax people, homo isnt leading to anything, dont get your phobia level up) are and I quote *clears throat* one of the smartest living creatures on this planet (notice I said one of right?) Rivaled only by the dolphins and orcas(killer whale). they are the top of the worlds food chain, which is ironic because the reality is humans arent among the strongest or fastest predators, heck they arent even probably in the fierce category but they are in the smart or as we say brains category and that I guess is enough to catapult them to the top of the food chain because brains beat brawn, right? Like most animals, humans have adapted to an ever changing world and a proof of it is shown throughout our history. Since our beginning in AFRICA a couple million years ago (according to scientists, so relax people Im not taking a side against religion and the story of creation) we have probably made the biggest, if not most strides of any creature in our very short time frame. Weve went from simple stone tools, to bows and arrows to projectiles fired from a metalic weapon. Weve went from walking on feet over huge distances, to riding animals, to driving fuel operated vehicles. Now some of you may wonder whats the big deal about this but please bear with me. Most animals other than us took hundreds of thousand, if not millions of years to simply evolve from point A, to simply adapt with point B. take for instance a bird, which started off (as theorised by science) as a walking animal incapable of flight and aerial dexterity. Not possessing any of these marvelous characteristics, the bird had to abide by what nature had given it, but, over time and because of circumstances whether it be food, protection or climatic changes, the bird began to evolve and eventually became an animal of the sky. Now this took millions of years and since nature is the greatest architect of all, one could guess this was the plan or was it? the bird was designed to be a predator in its own right which was nature intention, but evolving into a flying predatory creature wasnt part of the script, no, it took on that role by itself thus resulting in a longer journey to perfection. Humans though, seemed to have been dealt one of the most perfect hands on the table. They were designed to have a bigger brain by nature which has resulted in them making the biggest strides of all, cutting millions into a couple thousand, with no need of going against nature because well, they didnt need to, the big brains kept them happy (aint that ironic) Yet humans having made the most lucrative strides, still havent come to grips about their purpose. Being the worlds smartest animal and still cannot comprehend their reason for existence is the reason why they are at a stalemate to advancing. It is said the human can use 10% of their brain power, but nature should have manually inputed the extra 10 instead of letting us be programmed automatically with 10% brain potential. Maybe if we had the extra 10, we wouldnt be always wondering why?. Humanity need to realise that there is a bigger picture, that our big brains doesnt prove our superiority over everything else, that we arent susceptible to the flaws of nature because we are. When will humans reise this? Only they can answer that, not nature. Lesroy smokeyjoe lewis
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 04:30:49 +0000

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