The world is about to make one more final attempt to unite into a - TopicsExpress


The world is about to make one more final attempt to unite into a one world government, remember everyone who has tried it until now has failed. This time they will achieve their goal, but this is just a false hope of world peace. We know that we have a more sure word of prophesy, and that the Bible explains to us that the next Kingdom is Gods kingdom. This good news brings to our hearts the promise of everlasting peace, and the joy of spending eternity with God. Just think of it, And God shall wipe every tear from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither shall there be anymore pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4 The European Union is swallowing up all of Europe, The Asian Union is being formed and The African Union is all but finished - and yes the last one The North American Union is ready to be unveiled very shortly. There is your 4 kingdoms of the last days. There is only one problem, there is only one man that can achieve and sustain this and His name is Jesus. Now it would stand to reason that if we are about to have a one world government it will need a one world leader, thus setting the stage for the anti-Christ to rise to power. Now, think about this for a moment, the largest church leaders in the world still have populations under 100,000 so there is only one possible person this could be - The Pope, this is the final Pope, the very one Jesus Christ will come back and cast into the lake of fire. He has 1.2 billion followers, and will change his name to St. Peter very shortly. I knew the last pope would be but for a short time and everyone around me close knows this. Not in over 700 years has a pope stepped down like Benedict did while still in good health and relatively young. Out of the ashes of world war 3 will arise a new world order, it will be much like the first beast [ The United States ] who is now attempting to achieve its geo-strategic objective of full spectrum economic and political global domination through the disguise of Nato. Russia doesnt like it so they have no choice but to fight. Just as the world had to fight to keep Germany from doing the same thing. The difference this time is our government is willing to sacrifice its people as it feels is has out-grown one nation. None of this is by chance, its scripted beyond imagination. And the biggest asset the devil has is the fact nobody believes it could happen. They are doing a wonderful job at keeping everyone blind to it, but remember - I dont watch television so I am not under the delusion. I see it for it sets in plain sight, for anyone who asked that their spiritual eyes be opened it will be given to them. Love you all and may you have a fantastic Sunday...
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 12:45:50 +0000

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