The world is held up by only four pillars: the Wisdom of the - TopicsExpress


The world is held up by only four pillars: the Wisdom of the Learned, the Justice of the Great, the Prayers of the Righteous, and the Valour of the Brave. These words were inscribed at the entrance of the University of Granada, which was founded by Muslims in Spain during the early 15th century. As we know, Spain enjoyed its golden age of Islamic rule for nearly 800 years. Muslim universities like Granada and Cordoba were sought after like Oxford and Cambridge in their time. The noble families of Europe, Africa and Asia rushed to send their children to be educated there. So let us reflect for a moment, on what these words signify. Wisdom of the learned, implies that learning for its own sake, is not enough. Education must lead to a thoughtful and beneficial application of knowledge, to enhance the quality of life. Also, when wealth and power is acquired, it must be applied with justice, or else we will have tyranny. Similarly, Alláh will, always answer the prayers of those who are righteous. And finally, we must be brave, courageous and valiant in defending our faith and the honour of our fellow Muslims. Brothers and sisters, these were the simple values that informed the lives of students at the University of Granada, at a time when Islamic civilization was the hope, and the light of the world. Is there not a lesson for us today, somewhere? Many of you are now in the middle of exams, concentrating hard on doing your best so that you can make a success of your academic career. I am sure that those of us who are not writing exams, will wish you well and extend to you our moral and spiritual support. While you are engaged in this vital part of your university life, it may be useful to remember why you are doing it. Sure, writing exams has everything to do with getting that degree, enjoying your graduation and finding a really good job, providing for the material things that we need in life. But is that all? Is it enough? Look around you and see whether material prosperity without a moral and spiritual framework, has brought anybody any real happiness. Then, look to the golden age of Islám, and ask whether the social problems then, could conceivably have been about single mothers, or delinquent children, or drug abuse, or the high divorce rate or dysfunctional families or the breakdown of family life. We are talking here about the values of a society, and the goals of individuals. Both are connected and they support each other. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, again, The Holy Qurán has such eloquent guidance on the subject. In Súra Al Imran, v 14 we are reminded: Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet: Women and sons; heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; horses branded (for blood and excellence); and (wealth of) cattle and well-tilled land. Such are the possessions of this worlds life; but in nearness to Allah is the best of the goals (to return to). Yes, brothers and sisters, that nice car, that lovely home, satellite TV and our wonderful children and grandchildren, these are not only blessings and gifts from our Lord. They are also a test for us. Are we going to be so distracted by the glitter of dunya, that we will forget Aakhira? Let us remember Alláh, in good times and hard times, with equal devotion and gratitude. Let us constantly seek the Help and Guidance of our Lord, to save us from temptation in times of ease, and to relieve our suffering in times of distress. Let us pray to Alláh, to help all our brothers and sisters during school, college and university exams, to pass with excellent results so that they can serve the Ummah in their professional fields. O Alláh, please help us all, to perform well in the life of dunya, so that when we face that final Exam known as Yawmul Qiyyaamah, You will be pleased with our results. Ameen
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 10:20:33 +0000

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