The world is not too interested in Bible doctrine. But in the last - TopicsExpress


The world is not too interested in Bible doctrine. But in the last few years there is a subject that has the world’s attention: angels. Hollywood / Oprah / Montel / TV and movies / ‘Angel Wars’ DVD’s / Personal accounts… It’s hard to argue w/ a person’s experience. If it doesn’t disagree w/ scripture, then it’s possible. I heard a story where a dad and his young son were fishing one night. Somehow they capsized and weren’t known to be missing for several hours. Both were presumed to have drowned, but as they were dragging that area of the lake they found the boy sitting on a large stump sticking up out of the water. He told how he saw his dad go under and how he thought he would drown, too. He couldn’t see where their boat was, and he couldn’t tread water long. The water patrolman who found him asked him how he found and climbed upon the stump. He said, “a man in another boat picked me up and set me on the stump, then left.” The world may not want to hear much about Jesus, but angels interest them! It’s a sensational topic. But for Christians, it’s much more than a novelty. It’s Bible truth that they exist and are active!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 22:20:00 +0000

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