The world is sick, the peoples spiritual 3rd eye is swollen shut, - TopicsExpress


The world is sick, the peoples spiritual 3rd eye is swollen shut, and this allowed a trespassing mental disease called insanity through. The first people to fall to this sickness as an entire nation, were the Romans, and like an infected group spread their contiguous disease of insanity throughout the entire European continent. Then they came to the rest of the world infecting us all. Very few were left uninfected, just like zombies the masses now act brain dead following the voice of insanity lead by the cult that contribute to the sickness, because they are addicted to it, they have been infected so long, that they have become the insanity. This cult uses symbolism like a secret syringe, keeping the people ill. This symbolism could range from $, to the Masonic pyramid, to even unnoticed subliminal imagery. These practices are known by many names, including MK-Ultra, the base of the most infected is the United States, and the most infected that have become the embodiment of that sickness are the rich powers, that cult, a royal family with relations to each other. Some call them, Free Masons, Illuminati, The Colonizers, 1%, Etc. I call them the sickness. The sickness which started with the likes of the Roman Empire, is literally insanity, but its deeper than average insanity, the symptoms are Greed, hate, discrimination, self loathing, selfishness, supremacy, and more. You see these symptoms all throught the world, people have been trying to find ways to heal this sickness, worldwide, some have been successful, while many are so sick they may not have any hope. This disease was caused by the disconnection of humanity, meaning materializing your reality, and seperating ones self from nature. This will close the third eye, throwing the spirit out of place leaving you entirely venerable to the sickness as it takes you over. Only way to cure it, is to return to your consciousness, to heal your spirit and re open the third eye. You can only obtain this by returning to the aid of nature, this means going back to the roots of your natural self, your spiritual DNA, the roots of your ancestors, where your spirit belongs. Going there and learning the natural way. This will heal you. This medicine is only for some to practice with, those chosen, the bohike, Shaman, medicine person. All people have them. You must find your people. This will not happen by labeling yourself by false unnatrual titles of nationalities, like American, Mexican, Canadian, German, Asian, African, Etc. You must seek your ancestrial I.D. and kill the sickness. Many call it, assimilation, colonization, westernization, Evil, greed,Etc. I call it the unnecessary negative. The balance breaker. Romanism Disease.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 05:52:29 +0000

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