The world no longer evolves, changes are occurring as you sleep - TopicsExpress


The world no longer evolves, changes are occurring as you sleep and if your not thinking about the future potentially your business one day will not wake up….. think about it and then do something about it – don’t allow your business to be a dinosaur. Making the business run – without me – for now and the future. You’ll remember I started to focus on the business and what I need to do to make it truly run. Well this is update no 3 on that process. It is however, also something more significant than that – it is a thought provoking piece that you should consider in your business, industry or life. If this makes you think – then maybe you should consider discussing it further with myself or one of our worldwide team I’ve taken it a long way further in terms of what I am not looking to achieve. Now it is no longer simply to structure the business so that I can achieve the goal of doing what I want to do, when I want to do it from anywhere around the globe – after all business exists to allow us to live a life – not to consume our lives……. Now, it has gone further. The external picture - I have sat back and looked at the external environment our business operates in and how I think that is going to look in three years. And like many businesses it is going to look fairly different to how it looks today. If we don’t start to look at what is going to happen to our businesses in the future we risk where we sit today. The environments we operate in are changing rapidly and significantly. Think about this and reflect on what this means to your business or what you do today (either as a business owner or as an employee) – as always happy to discuss this with you individually. Then I looked at what is happening inside – the internal environment of our business. And I looked at all the individual roles, the people who perform those roles and what is going to happen to each role in the future – is it going to exist, what is it going to be worth to me to have that role – and hence what salary would be applicable to it and where in the future can we add significant value and hence have to focus our efforts on putting ourselves and skilling ourselves into those areas. To ensure our success and our clients successes in the future. This means that the right person must be in the right seat of the bus, not the seat they have moved into because that’s just the way things have grown – but one that fits them, their skills and their natural ability to flex in roles (if you want some information on my thoughts on that give me a call too). Now to say that has thrown a new cat amongst the pigeons is an understatement. So I have commenced regular meetings with each individual within the business…. To do a number of things ….. focus them on where they add value potentially within the business. I say potentially because we have also discussed the future of the industry and business and they (and I) have to determine if they fit within that future moving forwards / in two years time. Because its ok if someone doesn’t, whilst each person I work with adds and enriches my life significantly (they all mean the world to me) it doesn’t mean that we will always work together in this respect. …… focus them, if they choose to move forwards in our path, on how they achieve that. So that they have a specific development focus to allow them to add value and earn an income according to the opportunities that will exist in the business in the future. ….. if they choose not to move forwards (either now or in a period of time), then work out a plan for what happens in the future. If you’ve been dealing with some of our internal team you will note that they are starting to fulfil slightly different roles – roles that better meet there skill sets and that they are putting time and effort to individually to skill further on to add value to you. So this has been going on for a few months now, and ….. it is still frustrating me at times. Because we know nothing moves as fast as we ever want it to move. And as with all things I learn as much in my own business as I do when talking to clients. So there is a few significant learnings for you here: 1. Think about the future (both internal and external of your business) – whats going to happen to you, your business, your clients or customers and the employees that the business needs for the future 2. Think about the potential time frame and don’t be the last in the industry to be moving too it 3. Plan out what that means has to happen and the time frame that it needs to happen over 4. Put that into action steps for the business and yourself 5. Don’t allow it to just happen – make it happen (if it is to be it is up to me) 6. If its critical enforce it and make sure it happens 7. Monitor, review and change as needed Now the amazing thing of course is we can assist you with all of these things, its what we do all the time. I am just giving you a little bit of insight into what it actually takes, how important it is for every business, and why it often needs someone from outside to help – it is extremely easy to just let it role as it is not till it is too late. The world is moving faster and faster, new industries are being created, industries are changing (I was going to say evolving – but it is happening significantly faster than evolution). What do you need to do and what do you need to change now – to be part of the future successful business environment.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:53:29 +0000

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