The world today is very different than the world I grew up in, - TopicsExpress


The world today is very different than the world I grew up in, which is very different from the world my parents grew up in. The amount of new, technical information is doubling every two years, this means if you havent kept up with technology, you have a lot of catching up to do! While this may seem overwhelming, the benefits are enormous. Students starting a four-year technical degree...this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study...if anything this should be our primary reason for change! If we dont change the way we deliver education that mirrors how students access information we are failing to do our job. Every educator is responsible for looking at their curriculum and determining how much richness they provide. Are you allowing your students to create? Are you engaging them? We are asking them to turn off their smartphones, which in my case, are more powerful, and faster, than the technology (laptops) I am providing them. We all need to use technology more effectively. Its not about reinventing the wheel. Use the technology the students already have! Teach them how to acquire useful data. Make sure you are teaching them the difference between essential data and non-essential data. Teach them how to focus in a world that is always streaming. Students will buy in if you provide meaningful lessons. Connect to their lives and they will learn.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 17:26:37 +0000

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