The world we see and experience is a reflection of our own - TopicsExpress


The world we see and experience is a reflection of our own internal frame of reference – our most dominant ideas, wishes and emotions. This is sometimes hard to accept when we have pain, suffering, poverty and addiction in our life. When relationships are not working out, were struggling to pay the bills or unable to stop self-abusing behaviour – it would be natural to think ... Why would I wish this for myself? or Surely this cannot be coming from me. Unfortunately some of our most dominant thoughts, ideas and wishes are hidden from our awareness, but they certainly are part of our perception. Forgiveness, or rather the inability to forgive, plays a big part in projecting a life that is self-punishing. If we are unable to forgive ourselves for past events, carry shame or guilt for past behaviour, feel that we could or should have done it better - this inability to forgive ourselves and others, provides the fodder that fuels a life of poverty, pain and lack. The energy of these emotions - guilt, shame, blame, hate - are destructive in nature. They turn in upon us, in ways that are punishing; and then projected into our external world, we create events in our life that fulfill our hidden desire to punish. It may come in the form of loosing our job, not enough money flowing to cover our bills or food, relationships that cause pain - there are many reflections for self-punishment. The world I perceive is the world that I project. The world that I project is the world that I experience. The world that I experience continues to fuel the world that I perceive. Its a cycle that we play and replay? And its impossible to step out of, or heal our faulty perceptions with the same level of awareness or consciousness that creates and maintains our faulty perceptions. We must go higher than our level of consciousness, higher than the level of perception/filter the mind continues to reference. The solution is connecting with Higher Mind (aka Higher Consciousness, God, Love) through prayer and meditation we surrender and invited a healed perception - and we continue to ask for this miracle. Secondly, to the best of our ability, we generate the healing energy of forgiveness. We must accept that we and others make mistakes, and be prepared to forgive. Finding forgiveness is like taking a heavy backpack from our shoulders. Through forgiveness we fuel our perception with love instead of fear and self-punishment. Steps 1 to 3, we surrender to a Higher Power (Higher Consciousness, Higher Mind) and invite it to intervene on our behalf. Steps 4 & 5, we locate where and how we harbour our punishing energy. We confess that we have it and take steps toward releasing this burden. Steps 6 & 7 we experience a shift in perception - a healed perception. Steps 8 & 9 we practice the art of forgiveness (for ourselves & others) and open a space for love (aka God) to manifest. We surrender the path of fear and shift to a path of love. This sounds like a lengthy process but its not. There are those who believe that it will take them as long as they drank or used to heal, but this is a faulty perception. This is only the case if you are attempting to heal on your own efforts. Once you engage in a Higher Power, you open a space for miracle to occur. A shift in perception (a return to love) can happen instantaneously, when you allow it. – Kazi Dolezal
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 03:22:02 +0000

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