The (x number) of delegates of the 18th World Festival of Youth - TopicsExpress


The (x number) of delegates of the 18th World Festival of Youth and Students who gathered in from (x number) of countries in Quito, Ecuador, under the slogan “Youth united against imperialism, for the World of Peace, Solidarity and Social Transformation” declare the following: In the heart of the Ecuador, a country in which the popular will has managed to achieve important conquest with the process of the “Citizens Revolution” leaded by the President Rafael Correa, the international anti-imperialist youth movement constructed another important moment in the history of its organized struggle. We gathered in Latin America, a continent were the youth movement is steadily growing, once again for the biggest anti-imperialist youth event in the world to strengthen our common struggle towards our common goal: the overthrown of Imperialism. The 18th World Festival of Youth and Students has also been a tribute to all the people and especially the young men and women that have given their lives in the struggle against Imperialism, that have dedicate their lives to the struggle for the ideals of peace, independence, popular sovereignty, solidarity, and ending of exploitation. In the honour of all these peoples we symbolically paid a tribute to personalities that have contributed to this struggle like Hugo Chavez, Eloy Alfaro and Kwame Nkrumah. The success of the works 18th World Festival of Youth and Students re-affirm our political will to continue what the other generations started in Prague in 1947 with the first Festival. Through the World Federation of Democratic Youth and its international partners, the flame of the Festival movement was lit. Through its 68 year course, the Festival movement created an important space of internationalizing the historical struggles of the peoples against colonialism, dictatorships, fascism, wars. We do not forget the support that the youth Festival movement had from the Socialist Camp. The youth anti-imperialist movement through the Festival highlighted the way of the peoples, the road of peace solidarity and social progress. On that road the youth of today is continuing the struggle. Today we are living in a period of great imperialist aggression but also a great potential for the popular struggle. Imperialism continues its aggression with new means, new methods, as well as the traditional methods of wars, occupations and military interventions. The imperialist war machine has never stopped working in order to serve the interests of the monopolies for expansion to the markets of resources and energy routes. In the past few years militaristic expansion has grown all over the world. The capitalist crisis is worsening the need of monopolies for intensifying the imperialist aggressions and expansion of wars, as it creates realignments in correlation of forces, intensification of inner-imperialist contradictions and competitions. The rise of emerging forces that compete with the traditional imperialist forces is increasing the tensions. Therefore we have seen that in the years since the 17th WFYS the direct military aggressions have increased especially in areas of geopolitical importance for imperialism. The recent wars in the Middle East especially with the violent targeting of Syria, the increased military aggression and build up (like military bases and pacts) in Africa, Asia Pacific and the threats towards the positive process in Latin America are revealing this kind of developments. The interventions do not stop in the military arena but also have to do with actions of political interventions, economical blackmail against sovereign states, support towards reactionary forces, use of terrorism, national and/or religious conflicts etc. In this kind of plans we witness the participation of the national ruling classes since they work their way to increase their influence and participation inside the imperialist system and the power distribution. Towards their goals we witness, state repression, misinformation, anti-popular propaganda, manipulation of the popular struggles, support of fascist groups, anticommunism and persecution of radical and revolutionary ideals (as is the official policy of the EU), various pretexts for aggression etc. The participants of the World Festival of youth and students are calling all the young men and women to allying their struggle with the struggle of the popular, workers and student movements in national and international level, to allying their selves with the peace movements. We strongly believe that the interests of the youth and the struggle for peace and friendship amongst the peoples can only be served with these popular alliances and never by the being aligned to the interests of any imperialist power, established or emerging. In this framework we stand by the side of all the peoples who are giving their struggle for peace, popular sovereignty, independence. We express our solidarity to the heroic people that despite the wars, the occupations, the blockades and the repression are continuing their national struggle and their resistance. In this regards we send our militant greetings to the peoples of Palestine, Western Sahara, Cuba and DPRK which their struggle is symbolic of the struggles of so many other peoples around the world. With our support we are sure that their struggle will be victorious and their freedom will be another step towards international peace and solidarity. At the same time the participants of the World Festival of Youth and Students express their solidarity to the people who are suffering but also fighting against the consequences of the capitalist crisis and following attack of the capitalists towards their rights. This crisis has revealed once again the dead ends of the capitalist system. This leads to the massive attacks on social and labour rights that are highly affecting the youth and the working class. In order for the monopolies to overcome their own crisis they are forcing the working class to pay its cost. With cuts on salaries, massive unemployment, privatizations and destruction of social functions of states they are creating markets on every aspect of social life. Health, education, environment and culture are becoming merchandizes with an increased speed, while the ruling class is leading youth and peoples in a future of misery and extensive exploitation. Towards the achievement of these goals the exploitation towards the working class is accompanied with division of the working class, intensive exploitation of women, immigrants etc. The participants of the 18th WFYS salute the struggles given by the youth together with popular movement which goes hand in hand with the struggle of the labour movement and the class oriented trade unions in order not only to preserve their rights but to achieve new victories. We are a part of this struggle and we express our confidence in the final victory of the peoples and youth for their rights. We reaffirm our commitment to work strongly with the international anti-imperialist movements as the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the World Peace Council, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the Women International Democratic Federation and the regional anti-imperialist student organizations. We salute the struggle of the young workers for the right of work and work with rights. We salute the millions of students who demand free public and democratic education for everyone. We suppot the struggle of the student movement and their demand for education that will serve the popular needs and not the needs of the monopolies. We salute the important manifestations of the youth, popular and anti-imperialist struggle that has increased in the past period all over the world. We strongly believe that the works of the 18th WFYS will contribute to this struggle as it gathers the experience of struggle from every country and every continent. Our conviction for the right of our struggle comes from the understanding that imperialism is a system, a system based on a specific economic structure, the higher stage of capitalist development. Therefore we understand our struggle as a struggle to overthrow this system and construct the new world: the world of peace of solidarity and social transformation, the world were the social-economic system will guarantee that the fundamental means of production will be in the hands of the people and where economy will developed in the scope of the popular needs. In this international framework we understand that our struggle has a special significance. We are able to choose our future and construct the new world! The 18th World Festival of Youth and Students is sending a militant message of hope to all the peoples of world. Together with the anti-imperialist youth of Latin America and Ecuador we re-affirm our commitment for international cooperation of the anti-imperialist movement, for our own counteroffensive and for our struggle until the final victory.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:54:12 +0000

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