TheAlpha Male and I were having a conversation based on a photo - TopicsExpress


TheAlpha Male and I were having a conversation based on a photo that, at best, is an epic marketing fail, and at worst...well, Id rather not say. I wanted to be angry at but as he is THE Black man who loved me back to life, I could only speak to him about what I sometimes feel when we see certain images. I guess if I were a weaker woman I just might think it was...all my fault, yknow? I might have spent the rest of my life not pretty enough...not light enough...with too many babies or all the other mud folks are fond of slinging when they themselves are none too fresh. I MIGHT still live under some fools fist and curled lip, were I a weaker woman. This article. Im posting it for those who may not be there yet. And even for me, because the road is fluid...
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 23:54:41 +0000

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