#TheGOPDeniesScience #ShutdowntheGOP #VoteBlue2014 - TopicsExpress


#TheGOPDeniesScience #ShutdowntheGOP #VoteBlue2014 #RepublicantRepubliwont #ShameontheGOP #TheBibleisnottheConstitution #TheBibleisnotScience In this week’s address, the President discussed his recent trip to Minneapolis where he met a working mother named Rebekah, who wrote the President to share the challenges her family and many middle-class Americans are facing where they work hard and sacrifice yet still can’t seem to get ahead. But instead of focusing on growing the middle class and expanding opportunity for all, Republicans in Congress continue to block commonsense economic proposals such as raising the minimum wage, extending unemployment insurance and making college more affordable. The President will keep fighting his economic priorities in the weeks and months ahead, because he knows the best way to expand opportunity for all hardworking Americans and continue to strengthen the economy is to grow it from the middle out. Obama said: There are still too many middle-class families like hers who do everything right – who work hard and who sacrifice – but can’t seem to get ahead. It feels like the odds are stacked against them. And with just a small change in our priorities, we could fix that. The problem is, Republicans in Congress keep blocking or voting down almost every serious idea to strengthen the middle class. This year alone, theyve said no to raising the minimum wage, no to fair pay, no to student loan reform, no to extending unemployment insurance. And rather than invest in education that helps working families get ahead, they actually voted to give another massive tax cut to the wealthiest Americans. This obstruction keeps the system rigged for those at the top, and rigged against the middle class. And as long as they insist on doing it, Ill keep taking actions on my own – like the actions Ive taken already to attract new jobs, lift workers’ wages, and help students pay off their loans. I’ll do my job. And if it makes Republicans in Congress mad that I’m trying to help people out, they can join me, and we’ll do it together. The point is, we could do so much more as a country – as a strong, tight-knit family – if Republicans in Congress were less interested in stacking the deck for those at the top, and more interested in growing the economy for everybody. So rather than more tax breaks for millionaires, let’s give more tax breaks to help working families pay for child care or college. Rather than protect tax loopholes that let big corporations set up tax shelters overseas, let’s put people to work rebuilding roads and bridges right here in America. Rather than stack the decks in favor of those whove already succeeded, let’s realize that we are stronger as a nation when we offer a fair shot to every American. Shut Down The GOP
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 07:46:38 +0000

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