#TheTribe WEEK #11: DON’T STRESS, MOM I’ve been talking - TopicsExpress


#TheTribe WEEK #11: DON’T STRESS, MOM I’ve been talking about moms this week and in your comments there’s been a word that has been mentioned in tandem that I want to address: Stress. I’m currently moving my life back to California after spending the winter in Hawaii. At the same time, my kids are entering into summer mode and there’s just not a lot of time. entire days where I feel like I’m not going to complete one thing-not to mention my workout. And that causes stress. But the truth is that stressing is just not productive. It’s actually more harmful than not exercising at all. What’s important is learning to process the stress in a healthy way. This is going to sound silly, but when I’m clenching my jaw or when I’m in my car and I notice my hands gripping the crap out of the wheel, I’ll put the biggest smile on my face. Literally, I just pull back my eyebrows, open my jaw, and bust out a big, forced smile like a total knucklehead. It’s simple, but it has a positive physiological effect on me, totally involuntary, that extends throughout my entire body. It even changes the structure of my face! I’ll do it before Laird comes home and then when he sees me he doesn’t react to my stress. It’s a great trick - try smiling for 10 seconds before you go into your house or your next meeting. You’re going to feel better. It’s amazing how you can really improve your body just by putting down the distractions and focusing. Really - if you focus during your workout, you can get A LOT done in a short amount of time. It’s about staying connected to your body while you are exercising- don’t be on the phone, don’t be trying to email - you’ll make greater strides if your brain is connected to the area that you’re trying to work. There’s no reason to stress about time. For the moms who only have 15 minutes, here’s a focused workout that you can do at home to help you make the most of your time: 3 sets of 10 pushups off your knees( if you need to modify go ahead and work from your knees) 3 sets of 10 hindu squats 3 sets of 10 real, controlled sit-ups 3 sets of 10 bicep curls (with free weights, if you have them) 3 sets of 10 shoulder presses 3 sets of 10 tricep kickbacks The key is focus and no rest in between. 15 minutes can be a long time. The other days, I would do explosive cardio. 8 sets of 10 second sprints. Maybe even some hula hooping. Then, at night when I’m watching TV, I’d sit on the floor in a stretching pose, even if it’s just crossing my legs and keeping my hips open. Eventually, I might even realize that I have two opportunities in a day to do that. Try the workout this week and let me know how you squeezed it into your daily routine. And right now, before you stop reading, try smiling. :) Happy Mothers Day! Aloha, Gabby
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 19:55:28 +0000

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