¤Their miracle and Her¤ Part-2 I dont understand.. Good - TopicsExpress


¤Their miracle and Her¤ Part-2 I dont understand.. Good news? How? Asked Trusha, confusion writ large on her face. Yes, Mrs Verma. replied the smiling doctor. I dont understand It was Pulkit this time. What Im saying, Pulkit, is that you can have a child of your own without having to adopt him the doctor said. Apparently, her coming on first name basis with them made the couple a bit more comfortable. Thats wonderful, doctor said Pulkit. Yes, it is. But what exactly are you suggesting, doctor? Trusha was still under some doubt. Its very much accepted in the US, but is still new in India. Its called surrogacy the doctor informed. No one knew what kind of reactions she was expecting from them but they were not certainly quite near to what the couple displayed. I dont understand... Pulkit started and then kept searching for words. Before the doctor could even speak, however, Trusha hissed in a very angry tone. You want my husband to sleep with someone else so as to give me a child? Im happy the way I am doctor, but Im not this desperate for a child. A lone tear escaped from her eye and made its way down her face. No! Youre taking it the wrong way. That is traditional surrogacy. What Im telling you is gestational surrogacy. Umm... English, doctor! said Trusha, wiping the tear of her cheek. Meaning fertilization of your cells, meaning both of your cells she said pointing to the couple, will be achieved in an artificial environment and then the zygote will be transferred to the body of the surrogate. That way, the baby will completely be yours and will be completely unrelated to the surrogate. the doctor explained. On the way back to home, in a very long time, there wasnt silence. The couple was actually smiling, laughing and chatting. As if someone had stolen their smiles and had now injected it back into their lives. They planned the interiors of their babys room, what would be the name and other such stuff. For the first time in a long time, none of them needed any sleeping pills that night. Even though they werent sure if even this thing will work, they were happy for there was a glimmer of hope of seeing their own child. When the doctor asked them if they wanted to go down this way, they had already decided. Rather, their dreams had made the decision. As to choosing the surrogate, there is a particular medical criteria the doctor said the next day and went on to explain dreadful sounding medical terms. The next thing now, was the search for the surrogate. And so they sat down for one whole night to pen down the names of any woman they knew under the age of 35, that being one of the criteria. 25 names, including siblings, cousins and distant friends, made the list. But, to their surprise, no one came to their help. Not even a single person. This incident broke Trusha further. Having seen a dream and then witnessing it getting shattered in your hands, the pain can not be described. Trusha was worse than before now. She confined herself to her room and cut the world out. She had lost all hope right after she was given some. But then one day, the hope came walking through their door. Or rather, the telephone. To be continued... Tarun
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:00:10 +0000

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