Theme: AT YOUR WEIGH IN/END ( TRANSITION) Text: Matt - TopicsExpress


Theme: AT YOUR WEIGH IN/END ( TRANSITION) Text: Matt 11:3 Whenever there is a weigh in or at your weigh end there is an evidence of a great change depending on the individual or thing involve. It is also term as the time of transition. For example the caterpillar metamorphism. If it doesnt go through that process it stands of loosing it life prematurely as well as if it is force or compare by any force other than the natural process damages it life spam. Your weigh end can be that moment of discomfort, loss, like nothing seems working; moment of agony, denial, etc. And at most time the devil pressure you to seek alternative does compromising the True Word of God. I decree the Lord shall strengthens u and make u outstandings in Jesus name. Transition is also term as change. It is glaring and obvious that all things created is subject to change unless the creator. Therefore i hereby decree over your life whatever change u are undergoing be a spiritual, physical as the Lord liveth you shall never be consumed in Jesus name. Malachi 3:6 John the baptist the preacher of Christ was face with His transition and others wonder why he ask whether truly if Christ is the messiah that he proclaimed??? Never criticise. I am glad to say to you brethren only a fool says He doesnt fear but when fear comes as a child of God my courage to you is to use the word of God to counter your fear like David did (ps 56:3) cause fear is the opposite of faith which automatically robs you of your desire miracles which the Lord promises to you. But I pray and decree over a person life here right now as the King of kings liveth whatever has brought fear into your shall recieve a consolation and before this very month end, your Joy shall be full in Jesus name. Isa 49:15-16 Elijah, John, Paul ( Ist Kings 19:1-4, Rom 7:18-25, matt 27:46, Luke 22:42-43,) All these patriot of the faith including the Lord Jesus all experience their transition, so what you are encountering is not strange but i prophesy and decree to you, perdaventure you waited for the Lord in the wind and He didnt show up, in the earthquake, in the fire and He didnt show up, before this very month you will hear a still voice from the Lord and all your enemies will marvel over the new dawn of the Lord in your life in Jesus name. (Ist Kings 19:11-12). Dont fret nor be deterred, He who has promise is faithful to take that cup away from you, wipe out your tears, silence the mouth of your mockers permanently and be glorify in your life as He did for Mary and Hannah in Jesus name. Two symptons to watch out for that create a Change ; SIN and GLORIFICATION OF THE LORD; and Mannerism/protocols to observed to avoid negative Transition. Under these two traits we take a look at some examples. Though it is natural for change to rise in a life of a creature but its benefits are either for good or bad, but my prayer for you, that change will make you a joy to someone and you shall also be the carrier of Joy in Jesus name. First we look at SIN 1. In ability to return glory to God ( Hours of refreshing Acts 3:19) many pastors, even bishops faces this and due to that looses lot and most time reduces the anointing of God upon their life. 2. Lack of delegating responsibilty. ISRAEL almost loose their victory of the Lord early because Moses felt he could do it all alone. Exo 17:11-12 3. Anger and Pride..Moses because of anger struck the rock instead of speaking and a change was made that rob him of Gods promises upon His life, not only him but his immediate associates. (Num 20:7-12) But I decree over your life as God was merciful to sarah despite her doubt and brought His promise over her life to fruition, His mercy shall wipe away your sin and He shall cause you to laugh this very year in Jesus name. ( Gen 21:6-7) Nechbunazzer pride dethrone Him for seven years and brought him shame but after He repented the mercy of God restored him. I decree the mercy of God shall grant u rest of all your troubles in Jesus name. Dan 4:2-3 4. FEAR AND FLESH, Job 3:25..Job cry out the thing that i fear most has taken whole of me. Fear give the devil room to afflict thus causing a change but its the Lords that approved it to lift up that very individual. Dont be decieve God never tempts but if tempted because of your fear or lust, seek His mercy seat and ask for mercy..I decree to your life whatever has brought fear to your life or you are at your weigh end, The good Lord shall be merciful to you and restore you 100th fold as He restored job in Jesus name. Continuos living in the flesh deny the authensity and reliability of the Lord and because its not the will of God, He introduces a change. Today i decree you shall have a change by the mercy of God and you shall be call His own in Jesus name. John 6:44, Rom 7:25 5. Glorification of the enormous power of God. John 9:1-7, A change of the Lord is to always bring glory to Him and Him alone, so my advice to you, never despise or mock a fellow no matter his/her condition instead empathize with him/her or at most give him the Word of God, cuz that very rejected stone at the fullness of time, Gods glory is going to envelope him. In conclusion i dont know what you have done consciously or unconciously and is like hell is pulling down on you, I hereby decree the mercy of the Lord will locate you at that very Weigh End, Heaven shall open and hell will loose their grip over you and the Holy Spirit shall come upon you to make you a great signs and wonders for His glory as He silence and destroy every of your mockers in Jesus name. Note this only those in the Lord can have a change for the best, so if you arent His own, just right where you are cry unto Him(Jesus) to be merciful to you and make you His own. Prayer FATHER I BLESS AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORD AND YOUR SON YOU USE TO BLESS ME WITH THIS WORD IN JESUS NAME FATHER LIKE NOAH OFFER SACRIFICES TO YOU IN GEN 8:20-22 AND YOU REVERSE THE COURSE OF HIS LIFE AND HIS GENERATIONS...PLS RECIEVE MY SACRIFICE OF PRAISE AND TURN THE TIDE IN MY FAVOR IN JESUS NAME. FATHER BY YOUR MERCY GRANT ME REST AND FILL MY LIFE AND MY HOUSEHOLD WITH SIGNS AND WONDERS IN THIS VERY YEAR IN JESUS NAME. Ist Kings 5:4, Isa 8:18 FATHER PLS BY YOUR MERCY EMPOWER ME NOT TO SIN EVEN IN MY TRANSITIONAL PERIOD IN JESUS NAME. ACTS 1:8
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 07:38:40 +0000

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