Theme: The Year of No Limitation The Lord spoke to my heart that - TopicsExpress


Theme: The Year of No Limitation The Lord spoke to my heart that 2014 will be known as the Year of No Limitation. What is a limitation? A limitation is a point at which something cannot go beyond. It is a restriction, a constraint, a boundary, an obstacle, or a barrier. In 2014, the Lord is inviting us to trust Him to live our lives with no boundaries or barriers. He’s calling us to live beyond our natural circumstances into the realm of possibilities. He wants us to live beyond what is normal into the supernatural. To go along with the theme, the Lord impressed upon my heart a number of scriptures that will serve as directives for 2014. These are just key scriptures and they serve only as a frame-work of what God intends to do in our lives. Prophetic Directives For 2014: 1. Holy Spirit a. God has prepared things for us this year that eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man – 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; Isaiah 64:4 b. The Holy Spirit will reveal to us “all things” and the “deep” things of God. We need to depend on Him totally and He will reveal to us things that are being spoken of in the ‘bedroom’ as is told in 2 Kings 6:8-17 c. There will be the seven-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit as was prophesied by Isaiah the Prophet – Isaiah 11:1-5 i. The Spirit of the Lord ii. The Spirit of wisdom iii. The Spirit of understanding iv. The Spirit of counsel v. The Spirit of might vi. The Spirit of knowledge vii. The Spirit of the fear of the Lord d. The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth; He will tell us things to come; and He will take what belongs to Jesus and will declare it to us – John 16:13-15 2. Love a. Because God has prepared things for those who love Him, He is putting emphasis on the areas we need to identify and develop in love toward Him – Mark 12:30-31 i. Heart – spiritual development – He wants us to break limitations in studying our Bible and in prayer ii. Soul – emotional development – He wants our relationships to be healthy. Nowhere does the Bible say, forgive and forget, but what it does say is, forgive and reconcile. He wants us to reconcile with those whom we hurt or hurt us iii. Mind – intellectual development – He wants to develop our intellect faculties. There will be supernatural impartation of ideas, formulas, processes, systems, and technologies released this year iv. Strength – physical development – God wants us healthy and wealthy in 2014. The Holy Spirit will rejuvenate us so that even our physical appearance will be a testimony that God is good and with us b. This love is not the “agape” love [the God kind of love], but it is the “agapao”, which is a social or moral love. In other words, God wants to socialize with us this year. It’s in the hanging out that we get to know Him and understand what He likes and what brings pleasure to Him 3. Prophetic Revelation a. Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up to a high mountain by themselves and was transfigured before them. 2014 is a year of separation. Jesus is promoting specific people by revealing Himself in the privacy of their solitude – Matthew 17:1-13 b. We will see the cloud of the Lord descend and overshadow the chosen ones. The Father will speak and when He speaks it will be to confirm and affirm the identity of the chosen ones c. God is releasing prophetic revelation to the set ones and the purpose of that prophetic revelation is to govern their present and future seasons. This prophetic revelation will bring these people into greater understanding of their calling, anointing, and assignment d. The gospel of grace will accelerate exponentially as seen in the revelation of the people Jesus took up the mountain: i. Peter – rock – representing the law. Moses took the stone for God to write the law on ii. James – replace – the Hebrew name is Jacob and means to supplant or to replace iii. John – favor or grace e. So, Jesus took these three disciples as a prophetic statement that the Law [Peter] was going to get replaced [James] by John [grace]. We will hear more and more messages on grace this year 4. Restoration a. From the same story found in Matthew 17, Jesus answered and said to the disciples that indeed Elijah is coming first and will restore all things – v.11 b. Elijah and Moses appeared and talked with Jesus. These lived in the Old Testament, but they appeared with Jesus to transfer the title deeds to their ministries to Jesus so that when He died, He died once and for all, i.e., including people in the Old Testament c. In 2014, God is going to restore to us all things…things [assignments, dreams, projects, etc] that we didn’t finish last year or the previous years. What the ministry of Moses and Elijah could not do or finish they transferred to Jesus when they appeared on the mountain and Jesus accomplished it all d. God is going to work with us and release a strong generational prophetic anointing that is not limited to time or space. Elijah walked in it and so did John the Baptist and so shall we 5. Open Doors a. I also sense that 2014 will be a year of open doors. All the doors concerning our calling and gifting will be opened this year. b. These doors will not open because of our own effort; they will open because it is time for our release…a release into our prophetic destiny. c. In the story of Paul and Silas being released from prison in Acts 16, the Bible says all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed – v.26. When we pray and praise God in faith not only is He going to open all the doors for us, but He will also loose chains of bondage from those whom we are connected to 6. Enlargement a. Because God has spoken that 2014 is a year of No Limitation, He has put into effect the anointing of enlargement, expansion, and increase b. Isaiah the Prophet was told by God to prophesy to Israel to enlarge the place of their tent because they were going to expand to the right and left and that their descendants were going to inherit the nations – Isaiah 54:2-3 c. God is going to enlarge people’s dreams, projects and assignments. Boundaries that have been set in previous generations will now have to be broken. In time past we have gone to war, but now it’s our time to occupy for the purpose of expansion In conclusion, God wants us to live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, and to be led by the Spirit. It is our destiny to live beyond what is normal. Our faith needs to be strong more than ever before; we need to develop the necessary faith for the vision God has put in our hearts by studying God’s word then declaring what we desire to see, and then placing a demand on the favor of God to establish our decree. Prayer Points – use the 6 directives as prayer points to pray for yourself and for your family
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 17:28:11 +0000

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