Then Yahushua poured water into a pitcher. He began to wash the - TopicsExpress


Then Yahushua poured water into a pitcher. He began to wash the followers feet. He dried their feet with the towel that was wrapped around his waist.— John 13:5 ERV (Read Full Text) Get real, man! Its a slang expression intended to force someone into reality—no exaggeration, no pretending, no imaginary tale. This is where Gods becoming human flesh gets real. Yahushua, God come in human flesh, takes water and washes the dirt and grime off his disciples feet. God becomes soiled with the dirt and stench of the world to show his love to the ignorant and ungrateful. The same dirt from which he made humanity is now the dirt he must wash away to recreate humanity. Yahushua gets real! This, my friend, is the crux of the Yahushuas story—that God would come to our world to bring us to his home at such great cost. Will you believe that this incredible story is true? If you do, everything is different! Prayer Almighty and loving Father, I praise you for your work in creating me in your image. I thrill at the thought that you fashioned me in my mothers womb. I am overjoyed that you have re-created me new in Yahushua. I thank you for being willing to get your hands dirty with the dirt of my world and my life to bring me home to you. In Yahushua name I praise you. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:43:23 +0000

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