Then theres the Republican Party, and its long, blatant, and - TopicsExpress


Then theres the Republican Party, and its long, blatant, and infuriating history of racial exclusion, neglect and race baiting, and polarization. The endless foot in the mouth, racially insulting gaffes, racially loaded campaign ads by Republican officials and politicians and the refusal by mainstream GOP leaders to loudly condemn them and even defend them. This has continually ignited black fury the last five decades. The fight of House Republicans during that time against the Voting Rights Act renewal, affirmative action, the slash and burn of job and education programs, and Bushs Katrina bungle, deepened black suspicions that the GOP is chock full of bigots. That history cant be blithely sloughed off with pious pronouncements about diversity, broadening out the party, let alone propping up a scattering of black Republican candidates. But its really not the history thats the GOPs big problem with blacks. Its the present. The GOPs relentless and ruthless opposition to affirmative action, its duck, dodge, dither, and flat-out obstruction of any and every initiative or legislation by President Obama on jobs, the increase in the minimum wage, strengthening social security protections, the dogged opposition to a slew of Obama judicial and administration appointees, and its hectoring and harassing of Attorney General Eric Holder. And theres the GOPs two jewel in the crown signature hits on Obama and minorities; namely its manic and never ending effort to torpedo the Affordable Care Act and the slew of nakedly race tinged voting rights suppression laws it has dumped on the books in a handful of key electoral states.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:48:11 +0000

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