Theology In order to understand GODS plan for mankind you must - TopicsExpress


Theology In order to understand GODS plan for mankind you must go as far back to the origin of man as you can get. Truth is original thought. If you want to know the truth you must return to GODS original thought for the creation of man. In order to understand your purpose, identity and divine destiny you must understand GODS thought, His purpose for the creation of man. God said to me that in our theology, the result of mans vain attempt to understand God with an unrenewed mind, we dont go back far enough in discovering the will of God for man. Many of us who became born again only went as far back as GODS Abrahamic covenant promise to Abraham which spans both Old and New Testament. God told Abraham that he would be the father of a multitude and that in him all the nations of the earth would be blessed. We learned that as being those who are in Christ we are Abrahams seed and heirs according to the promise. Consequently many have labored for the Blessing of Abraham and made the promises of God according to the Abrahamic promise the priority of their life, and the object of their pursuit. In other words, as a point of theology a great number of Christians camped at the notion of being blessed by God according to GODS Abrahamic covenant. Such knowledge is true for all the promises of God are yes and so be it, but we still have not properly discovered the will of God for man, which starts with GODS original intent for the creation of man. So many Christians go through life never discovering GODS original purpose for their lives and they languish in a bewildering being tossed to a fro by every wind of doctrine, and into this vacuum of knowledge lay men who with cunning craftiness wait to deceive many. Your theology must not begin with the knowledge of salvation and the promise of the Abrahamic blessing alone. Instead, to have a proper theology you must return to GODS original purpose for the creation of man for within such a discovery you will find your purpose, identity and divine destiny and will learn how to make priority what God makes priority. Theology is the study of God. We could call theology God-ology or God knowledge. What is the God-knowledge concerning His purpose for creating man. Genesis 1:26-28 reveal to us GODS original purpose for the creation of man. He says in this historical account of the mind of God as revealed to Moses, that God said that He made man in His image and likeness, that He made them both male and female and blessed them, and said to them to be fruitful. Multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and to have dominion. A proper theology would reveal that GODS plan for mankind then is GODS plan for mankind now and a central part of the purpose of God sending Jesus to restore man back to GODS original purpose. God sent Jesus to Retore, Redeem, Reconcile, and Recover man from Satans dominion. God sent Jesus with the one gift that would cause us to legally possess what Adam lost. God sent Jesus with the gift of righteousness. Romans 5:17 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Its with this gift of righteousness that youve been restored back to what Adam lost. Righteousness is your dominion. Jesus tells us two make two elements of this reality to be our number one priority. He didnt say that man-made religion was to be your number one priority. He didnt say that the feast days or the Saabath, or blowing the shofar or waving banners, and praise dancing, or the prophetic was to be your number one priority. Jesus didnt say that the wearing of clerigical garments, vestments, collars or robes, or wearing of crosses and chains was to be your number one priority. Jesus didnt say that religious titles were to be your number one priority. He didnt even say that giving was to be your number one priority. Jesus gives only one answer for the needs of mankind. He only gives one answer as the key to receiving all that God has purposed for man. Jesus doesnt preach faith, prosperity or the Abrahamic covenant blessing. The answer Jesus gives to His followers as to being the means by which God will fulfill His plan for their lives and meet their needs is found in Matthew 6:33. Jesus tells those who are His disciples to have one main priority in life. They are to make priority what Jesus Himself made priority. Jesus tells His followers not to worry about what they are going to eat, or wear, dont worry about the things they need. He tells them that the Gentiles, the heathens seek the same things but for the followers of Jesus, they dont have to worry, have a care or any unnecessary anxiety if they will make priority what Jesus makes priority. Jesus in assuring the disciples that they would be taken care of, says; But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things (that you have need of. Even the very things the Gentiles seek) will be added to you besides. Matthew 6:33 (Emphasis added) In all the theology (knowledge of God) that we might possess, if we dont understand the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and dont make GODS priority our own just as Jesus did then we will camp somewhere in the word of God drawing all the wrong concepts and reaching the wrong conclusions. The interesting thing about Jesus instruction to His disciples is that He was telling them to make priority GODS royal rule, dominion, authority, reign and act of ruling to be their number one priority in life. This is exactly what Adam and Eve were to do. They were to make priority GODS governing rule over them and they were to exercise that rule as being the highest form of creation. God made Adam and Eve in His image and likeness and gave them the 5 fold responsibility of mankind. He said to them after blessing them, He said; Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion. The word dominion here is the Hebrew word Radah which means Kingdom. So God did not give Adam religion but instead, gave Adam identity, purpose, responsibility and provision. Adam was to keep GODS reign over His life, living the life God required, as number one priority. What God purposed then He sent Jesus to accomplish in us now. Without a proper theology that goes back to GODS original thought for the creation of man we take detours along the way, alleging that each new wind is [the] doctrine that is going to carry us over into the blessing of God, when fact of the matter is that what was supposed to be first priority in Adams life is to be first priority in our lives today. We could argue that theology that appears correct, is incomplete if the knowledge of GODS original intent for the creation of man is incomplete. As you study the Kingdom of God and righteousness you will come to understand that you are not only the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise, but you are children of the Most High and you right now possess the Kingdom under the whole heaven. When you study the Kingdom and righteousness as the point of theology ( knowledge of God) regarding His original thought, you will begin to understand that Jesus as the Logos ( thought) of God was sent to restore you back to what Adam lost, that again what was to be Adam and Eves priority becomes your priority in the earth. Without knowledge of the Kingdom of God, its urgency, power and priority you will fail to achieve all that God has foreordained for you and there will be many who think they will make it into the eternal kingdom of heaven, and instead they will be thrust out. Matthew 7:21-23 Do not allow your starting point of theology be the knowledge of the Abrahamic covenant or the hope of going to heaven while looking for a spiritual breakthrough in the process. Allow your theology to begin, not with the history of your denomination or even your understanding of salvation for mankind. Let your theology begin and end where Jesus theology does. Jesus started His ministry on the preached, taught and demonstrated knowledge of the Kingdom of God and the Fathers righteousness and delegated to the disciples that their lives would reflect the same commitment Jesus demonstrated in being submitted to the reign of God, living Gods righteousness. All other theologies and winds of doctrine will cease to be dominant in your life as you enjoy again the dominion God sent Jesus to restore to you through the gift of righteousness. Ambassador Dr. Leonard Robinson 267-357-9816
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 18:48:50 +0000

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