Theories! The Zombie craze is a victimised reaction to the - TopicsExpress


Theories! The Zombie craze is a victimised reaction to the manager invasion As these things happen (qv. Kekulé et al), it suddenly dawned on me that the only sensible explanation for the popularity of such a universally disgusting phenomenon (the movie / game zombie) is that it must be a psychological defence mechanism, created by the collective subconscience as a response to a perceived real-world situation of roughly topologically affine proportions. The only possible candidate for this must be the invasion of managers that has plagued working people in all professions since the early 1990s, but which has grown into troublesome proportions since about ten years; exactly the period that has seen the rise and proliferation of the utterly tasteless zombie in the imagination of movie-makers, game-designers and the like. It is easy to see the similarities between these zombies and the type of manager that has been flooding the worlds offices: - uselessness: just like the movie zombie, managers only create extra work. This work is intrinsically tiresome, superfluous and demotivating; - pointlessness: nobody asked for neither zombies nor managers. Yet, they come in countless hordes; - noxiousness: while zombies kill on a physical level, managers kill work enjoyment; - distastefulness: while it it technically possible that an entirely sympathetic individual turns into a Manager, they usually are dumb-witted, mean, callous, bureaucratic and at times outright evil (cf. Douglas Adams Vogons); - inevitability: the most disheartening feature of Managers is that they are all over the place. In every line of work, on all levels. Now, it may be tempting to compare this to the fighting the hordes as seen in zombie fiction. But this is irrelevant, because thats only a smoke screen devised to camouflage the fact that 99.99% of the population has - often voluntarily - been culturally zombiefied as eager consumer of zombie fiction. Evidently, the purpose here is to provide people (who are being reduced to mindless workplace robots, serving under the ubiquitous Manager) with the straw man defence mechanism of fighting the hordes so that (and here comes the conspiracy part!) they will not rise against the real-world zombies of corporate greed and power that are the REAL threat out there.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 08:29:06 +0000

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