Theory says that invasions are normal with surrender and - TopicsExpress


Theory says that invasions are normal with surrender and subjugation of the original population sequiter. In fact, it was a premise that Karl Marx used in his convaluted sense of historical proportion. In their mad dash to conquest, even the Imperial Japanes Historians concluded that upon acceptance of our defeat in the chaos of post Pearl Harbor, that we would be allowed America east of the Mississippi to survive. However, even Their victorious commander, Isoroku Yamamoto knew this would never happen. As a. Visitor to the US AND a very astute observer, he warned his countrymen that such an invasion would never happen. In his own words, he admonished them that behind every blade of grass was an armed American. He also knew that Americans were toughened by the Great Depression and again in his own words,mwe were a sleeping giant, fearful when awakened. Over half a century later, we are again threatened with invasion and disunited in internal struggle. We are not the generation that won that war and the boomers that followed are aging fast. The generations that are succeeding are being tested and castigated as useless, lazy, and overindulged. They are thought to be desirous of being part of the NWO with the extinction of national identity. Bull hockey. Not on my dime. I for one, think that ugly creature known as American Exceptionalism still exists, just waiting to be cornered and forced to accept victory or extinction. Americans will accept some aspects of a peaceful intrusion as long as the invaders meld into the greater populace AKA as Assimilation. Outright threats of subtle genocide arnt accepted in the playbook. Someone needs to remind the jerk residing in the WH, including his overreactive spouse, his minions and his swath of worshippers of that. That s where the rest of us wake up, fellow citizens.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 07:02:28 +0000

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