There Are Six Points to Make From This Video: 1. This woman, - TopicsExpress


There Are Six Points to Make From This Video: 1. This woman, whether some of you know it or not, is the face of the retarded and intrusive face of liberalism that is seen every day 2. This woman, is the liberal mindset that seeks tolerance but cannot offer it herself as a means to letting people live in peace 3. This woman, is most likely a liberal who believes in Charles Darwins theory of evolution and natural selection (survival of the fittest), and these people often contradict Darwins teachings by trying to save animals that cannot save themselves or adapt 4. This woman, is of the liberal mindset of many liberal legislators who believe a baby chick is the equivalent of a baby child; however, I guarantee this woman would advocate cutting the spine in half of an unborn child, before using snow to feed a hungry child 5. This woman, is likely a liberal college student, and is the same girl who believes gay and black are the same thing, who believes wealth is evil despite coming from an upper-middle class family 6. Is there anyone willing to say that this woman does not represent the Democrat Party, or Liberalism in a nutshell on what groups are represented by its ideology I am going to eat Snows mother later today with gravy and potatoes, and those people in the restaurant should have asked for their money back for the restaurant allowing their meal to be interrupted in such a way! ~ Mel Whitlock I was eating chicken while watching this, and I will be going back for a second piece. Her feigned tears and message does not move me. I will change my diet if I see it necessary. Do I impose my message of her eating all the food rabbits like to eat? If she wants to eat leaves and other things not of animal then that is fine for her, but I am sure she has some contradictions going on if you really peruse her life as she is trying to do yours. I bet she will say she believes in global warming...but she will eat all the greenery in the world when we do know that greenery absorbs CO2 and gives off not save the Earth by not eating greenery...
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 06:53:38 +0000

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