There I sat, looking through a thick glass panel at a woman who - TopicsExpress


There I sat, looking through a thick glass panel at a woman who seemed a little hardened by life. She was distant and almost rude as she asked me a series of questions, and with each question I could feel the all too familiar warning signs telling me that crying was in my near future. With great effort I tried to stop the tears from falling and to keep my brave exterior. Looking at the sunglasses I was twirling in my hands, I wished for a valid reason to put them on so I could hide my sorrow. Soon, the words “I wish I had been a person of faith like you, I wish I’d had something to believe in” broke into my concentration and I looked up into the woman’s eyes. When I saw the pain written on her face, I stopped fighting my emotions and let the tears fall. She went on to tell me that she was exactly my age when her husband died, leaving her with three small children as well. This woman, who also had stopped fighting her emotions, was no longer distant or rude and she wept openly. She shared with me how her life went from bad to worse as she failed to deal with her grief. She’d had no hope and it had ruined her. As I drove home, I couldn’t stop thinking. The conversation I’d had in that Social Security office left me heartbroken, but at the same time, I was filled with gratitude. All my 25 years of knowing the Lord had prepared me for this season of sorrow. Does simply knowing Jesus mean you can weather any storm? No. In order to have the kind of strength it takes to thrive in the midst of a storm, you have to be consistently building upon that knowledge. But it is simple and it does focus on Jesus. In John 14:27 Jesus says “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” The reason this woman couldn’t fit the pieces of her life back together was because she didn’t know where to look for help. The kind of peace we need cannot come from the world; all that the world has to offer is a temporary, fleeting peace. But what Jesus has for us is great enough to leave us with the ability to refuse fear. Jesus said “do not let your hearts be troubled” instead of “your hearts won’t be troubled.” Just like joy, a peaceful, calm heart is something we can decide to have. What are you facing today that is threatening your peace? Are you looking in the right place for help? Look to Jesus; and Him alone, for only He can truly help you. Don’t end up sharing with a random stranger how you wish you had been a person of faith – just be one!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 04:56:07 +0000

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