There IS ONLY ONE GOD TO HIM ALONE WE ARE SUBMITTERS. prophecy has now been fulfilled. Gods Messenger of the Covenant Order Of Revelation 89 Chapter 3 {3:60} This is the truth from your Lord; do not harbor any doubts. Challenging the Disbelievers {3:61} If anyone argues with you, despite the knowledge you have received, then say, Let us summon our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then let us invoke GODs curse upon the liars. {3:62} Absolutely, this is the narration of the truth. Absolutely, there is no god except GOD. Absolutely, GOD is the Almighty, Most Wise. {3:63} If they turn away, then GOD is fully aware of the evildoers. Invitation to All Believers {3:64} Say, O followers of the scripture, let us come to a logical agreement between us and you: that we shall not worship except GOD; that we never set up any idols besides Him, nor set up any human beings as lords beside GOD. If they turn away, say, Bear witness that we are submitters. {3:65} O followers of the scripture, why do you argue about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Do you not understand? {3:66} You have argued about things you knew; why do you argue about things you do not know? GOD knows, while you do not know. {3:67} Abraham was neither Jewish, nor Christian; he was a monotheist submitter. He never was an idol worshiper. {3:68} The people most worthy of Abraham are those who followed him, and this prophet, and those who believe. GOD is the Lord and Master of the believers. {3:69} Some followers of the scripture wish to lead you astray, but they only lead themselves astray, without perceiving. {3:70} O followers of the scripture, why do you reject these revelations of GOD though you bear witness (that this is the truth)? {3:71} O followers of the scripture, why do you confound the truth with falsehood, and conceal the truth, knowingly? {3:72} Some followers of the scripture say, Believe in what was sent down to the believers in the morning, and reject it in the evening; maybe someday they will revert. {3:73} And do not believe except as those who follow your religion. Say, The true guidance is GODs guidance. If they claim that they have the same guidance, or argue with you about your Lord, say, All grace is in GODs hand; He bestows it upon whomever He wills. GOD is Bounteous, Omniscient. {3:74} He specifies His mercy for whomever He wills; GOD possesses unlimited grace. Be Honest With All People {3:75} Some followers of the scripture can be trusted with a whole lot, and they will give it back to you. Others among them cannot be trusted with a single dinar; they will not repay you unless you keep after them. That is because they say, We do not have to be honest when dealing with the gentiles!* Thus, they attribute lies to GOD, knowingly. *3:75 Prior to the discovery of the Qurans mathematical Miracle some scholars falsely claimed that Muhammad was an illiterate man who could not write such a great book. They distorted the meaning of the word Ummy, claiming that it meant illiterate. This verse proves that Ummiyyeen means gentiles (See also 62:2). {3:76} Indeed, those who fulfill their obligations and lead a righteous life, GOD loves the righteous. {3:77} As for those who trade away GODs covenant, and their obligations, for a cheap price, they receive no share in the Hereafter. GOD will not speak to them, nor look at them, on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them. They have incurred a painful retribution. {3:78} Among them are those who twist their tongues to imitate the scripture, that you may think it is from the scripture, when it is not from the scripture, and they claim that it is from GOD, when it is not from GOD. Thus, they utter lies and attribute them to GOD, knowingly. {3:79} Never would a human being whom GOD blessed with the scripture and prophethood say to the people, Idolize me beside GOD. Instead, (he would say), Devote yourselves absolutely to your Lord alone, according to the scripture you preach and the teachings you learn. {3:80} Nor would he command you to idolize the angels and the prophets as lords. Would he exhort you to disbelieve after becoming submitters? Gods Messenger of the Covenant {3:81} GOD took a covenant from the prophets, saying, I will give you the scripture and wisdom. Afterwards, a messenger will come to confirm all existing scriptures. You shall believe in him and support him. He said, Do you agree with this, and pledge to fulfill this covenant? They said, We agree. He said, You have thus borne witness, and I bear witness along with you. *3:81 This major prophecy has now been fulfilled. Gods Messenger of the Covenant, as prophesied in this verse and in the Bibles Malachi 3:1-21, Luke 17:22-36 & Matthew 24:27, is to purify and unify Gods messages which were delivered by Gods prophets. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. have been severely corrupted. It is the will of Almighty God to purify them and unify them under the banner of worshiping Him alone. Overwhelming evidence has been provided by God in support of His Messenger of the Covenant, whose name is incontrovertibly specified in the Qurans mathematical Miracle as Rashad Khalifa. For example, adding the gematrical value of Rashad (505), plus the value of Khalifa (725), plus the verse number (81) gives 1311, or 19x69 Rejectors of Gods Messenger of the Covenant are Disbelievers {3:82} Those who reject this (Quranic prophecy) are the evil ones. {3:83} Are they seeking other than GODs religion, when everything in the heavens and the earth has submitted to Him, willingly and unwillingly, and to Him they will be returned? Make No Distinction Among Gods Messengers {3:84} Say, We believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. TO HIM ALONE WE ARE SUBMITTERS. 893+6263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384=6263646566676869707172737475767778798081829277=6061626364656667686970717273747576777879808182 X 19
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:13:27 +0000

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