There IS an Alternative to Evolution There has been a list of - TopicsExpress


There IS an Alternative to Evolution There has been a list of ten purported alternatives to evolution making the rounds of the internet. Heres the link: listverse/2013/03/08/10-alternatives-to-evolution/ I was just looking over this absurd list and it presents no valid alternatives to evolution save the same old one- creationism or its newer and ostensibly more palatable alter ego- intelligent design. So the alternative to evolution is the same one weve been hearing all along- creationism. The other alternatives have nothing to do with evolution but rather are concerned with abiogenesis, are laughably nonsensical (Scientology?) or are a part of evolution now accepted by science (punctuated equilibrium). Intelligent Design is in essence the same old Genesis fairy tale with the details removed. The term is just a legalistic and (fortunately) futile attempt by Christ worshiping pressure groups and school boards to get mythology presented as a viable alternative to evolution in SCIENCE classes. Every time this has gone to court it has been defeated, especially when the lies and the underhanded, deliberately misleading tactics of the creationists (all Christ worshipers so far) are revealed in sworn testimony. In the Dover case, the judge, interestingly a conservative Reagan appointee and self proclaimed Christian. became enraged when he caught the creationists repeatedly lying under oath. A link to the excellent PBS documentary, much of it taken from court transcripts, is provided in this post. I cannot recommend it too highly as it is of interest to those of us who have at least some understanding of evolution but it should also be viewed by the many who lack even the most rudimentary knowledge of how evolution works and what the word theory means in the scientific context. As so vividly demonstrated in the documentary, not only are these proponents of creationism (or ID) victims of delusional thinking, they have been repeatedly demonstrated to be liars and cheats- basically mendacious and dishonest people who seemingly feel justified to abandon morality and honesty in their efforts to get their religious mythology taught in science class. Also of interest in the court testimony is the clarity of thought exhibited by the scientists testimony which includes a beautifully cogent overview of how evolution works, how it is the basis that underlies all of biology and much of medicine, and as clear a definition of what theory means in the scientific context as Ive ever heard, something that few seem to understand The proponents of what they call Intelligent Design, despite their credentials, do not come across very well, especially when in the same room as real scientists,. Please skip ahead to 48:36. a wonderfully clear explaination of what a scientific theory really is. It is taken directly from the court testimony. And the meaning of the word is most assuredly not what most people think it is. If only people would open their minds and listen, we would no longer be subjected to that nonsensical but ubiquitous creationist litany evolution is just a theory. Yes Virginia, evolution is a theory. And as such it is more than a mere fact and it explains more than a scientific law. Scientific laws describe, scientific theories EXPLAIN. And as can be seen in the court testimony, Darwinian evolution is a beautifully cogent explaination of how very simple microorganisms, over long periods of time, eventually change into forms wondrous, varied, and complex. It is an elegant and valid explaination of how we became human., backed by an abundance of evidence including myriad transitional fossils. It is a truth of the highest order. And the only alternatives are banal, primitive, and ultimately insulting and unsatisfying myths that explain nothing. https://youtube/watch?v=7HZzGXnYL5I
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:57:01 +0000

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