There Is No Reward For Political Dishonesty Fellow students - TopicsExpress


There Is No Reward For Political Dishonesty Fellow students receive my warm and heartfelt greetings, inspired by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin literature “Better Fewer, But Better”. A lot has been said, done in pursuit of narrow self-centred desires disguised as revolutionary sounding slogans “the voice of student’s or students have spoken”. There has been a lot of lunatic moron’s and anti-intellectual baboons due to substance abuse whenever they are intoxicated or high decide to write senseless pamphlets and actually blame other students for the current status of the SRC. I have no point to prove to anyone however the work done by the 2013/14 SASCO led SRC speaks for itself to highlight few things was to negotiate successfully that the registration initial payment do not increase this year, 1st phase of access in retail shops, new technological development, the first year NSFAS issue of which rumours were saying they would be paid R 4 000 we defeated them, and the extension of registration until the 7th of March 2014. Just like Fidel Castro who wrote “History Will Absolve Me” I am certain history will absolve me as well. The year 2014 was a year marked by foreign tendencies in the student movement! A lot of foreign things and terms were coined in our organisation like defeat, puppet, istimela, hennessy, caracara and so forth; these terminologies were even used in the songs of our organisation. Comrades were labelled as drunkards and the type of whisky or vodka they drink was used to define the kind of leadership suitable to be in the SRC. The derogatory songs that were sang became official in the organisation all in the name of building the organisation, while actually grooming political monsters who will kill the very same organisation. These are some of the foreign things that occurred in the year 2014 disguised under the slogan of electing a “capable, vibrant and radical student leader”. What is actually radical about insult and organised propaganda about me? What is vibrant about being always high from some substance on a daily basis? Lastly, what does to be capable imply if you cannot prove to be capable academically first by excelling or simply passing because to excel is something else? The constitution, principles, culture and politics of our beloved SASCO was suspended just to elevate monsters above the organisations! SASCO that I understand and know, I am writing this from experience, we would call three BGM’s when we are in a process to nominate candidates. The first BGM is for the National Deployment Policy to be outlined to members, so they must know what kind of leadership SASCO need and who qualify organisationally to be nominated. The second BGM is for the nomination of candidates (number of seat in the SRC plus five). The BWC/BDC then meets and scrutinise the nominated candidates and consolidate a final list of candidates who are presented in the third BGM. We must note that in all these BGM’s the membership data is signed so as to check if the organisation does reach a quorum and that a constitutional obligation for every BGM not only for a nominating BGM. However none of what I have mentioned above occurred this year instead police were called to separate those who supported me and those who supported the other “guy” and finally I heard rumours that the other guy was nominated and voted for in a veranda at NE005; something I had never imagined would happen our beloved SASCO, SASCO the organisation I served so dearly as the Branch Secretary for two terms consecutive. Therefore the suggestion or the propaganda that I was organisationally “defeated” as they refer these political baboons by the other guy is illogical, unscientific, lack substance and ought to be condemned with contempt it deserve. Student’s disqualification and my allege participation in the Court Interdict application Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe once said “elections do not go smooth all the time” and I think President Mugabe’s statement is genuine and living statement for us. However I want to clarify few things before giving my point of view. It has been alleged not once but several times that I attempted and actually used my position while I was SRC-Secretary General to stop or disqualify one of the students from contesting as a presidential candidates. I am not a lecturer, a HOD or a Dean of Students, and above all I was not part and parcel of the IEC committee therefore I had no authority to disqualify any student from contesting SRC elections. Therefore those allegation or that propaganda is groundless and misguided. The intention of those propagandist was to get sympathy vote for their candidates and student’s unconsciously responded positive to that propaganda. No matter how you spread propaganda it does no change the reality, propaganda does not inform reality but fortunately enough it has been proven who were qualifying and who did not! The allegations that I participated on an application in Durban High Court to interdict a group of students that claim won SRC elections is null and void. However I want students to note and fellow students common sense should dictate here, for elections to start around 16:00hrs to 16:45hrs and end at 22:30, that imply that there were serious issues or dissatisfaction from the party agents about the manner elections were to be conducted or conducted. I will not mention specific issues, but students must begin to question themselves what was the reason for such to happen. However the allegations that I applied for a Court Interdict are simply baseless and lack reasoning from the creators. We must note that the aim of these lumpens is to continue to corrupt unsuspecting innocent students. My quiet diplomacy must never be associated with the dishonesty of these political baboons who deserve to be locked in a zoo like all other baboons. My point of view I am not a lawyer nor a law student, but this I know that once a Court of Law has made a ruling it is legally binding unless challenged in a Court of Law. Therefore if there is any student who is still convinced that the elections were free and fair and can also prove that, I urge him or her to lodge an appeal in a Court of Law and let the matter be proved in a Court of Law. In conclusion, the core business of our university is teaching and learning and Former President Thabo Mbeki said it correctly that “your principal task as students is to study and it would be incorrect to honour and describe you as students if you do not study”. Let us therefore study and I wish each and every student all the best in preparations for exams and may the Lord guide and protect you. God Bless University of Zululand Yours in student’s struggle _____________________________ Cde Thobani Philani “Juju” Shandu Writing in his own personal capacity Former YCLSA-UNIZULU Branch Acting Secretary and Deputy Secretary, Former SASCO Branch Secretary for two terms consecutive, Former PEC Member of SASCO, Former SRC Treasurer General & Former SRC Secretary General
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:30:50 +0000

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