There Is Power In The Basics December 10, 2014 There has been - TopicsExpress


There Is Power In The Basics December 10, 2014 There has been a spirit of hopelessness attacking the faith of true believers in this nation. There has been a discouragement for many people in the body of Christ who are watching God move everywhere else and through everyone else, yet are longing for God to move around them and in them. What you don’t realize, is God wants to birth something in you that will change a nation. It requires more preparation and dedication in the basics! The reason why some people get disappointed in pursuing God is because no one talks about the struggles of the giants of the faith before God ever used them. They never talk about their problems and so then we start comparing our failures to their big successes and we disqualify ourselves for God using us in true revival. Everybody talks about the extraordinary things these men and women of God did in past revivals. They talk about the events, miracles, signs and wonders. But they don’t talk about how they started. They had struggles like you and me. They had problems like you and me. They had frustrating days like you and me. They were not super heroes of the faith. They weren’t morphed into mighty men and women of God overnight. It all started with simplistic devotion and obedience. Everyone talks about the glory moments, but no one recognizes the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to make things happen. We need to get back to the basics. We try to do extraordinary things occasionally, rather than the right thing consistently. We think 12 hours at a prayer event is going to make up for 12 days of prayerlessness. We traded discipleship for programs. Christian books instead of the Bible. We substitute church carnivals instead of evangelism. Where God’s power flows is not the big events. God moves through simplistic obedience and devotion of ordinary people every day. The purpose of Basic Training is to take a civilian and make them into a soldier. They only way this can come about is to be intense and repetitive with the basics. Once the soldier completes his basic training, he has formed new habits, a new routine, and a great work ethic. He has a new mentality. Once the soldier comes back from basic training everyone notices the difference except the soldier because he is so seasoned in the basics. It’s just who he is. He is not trying to be different, but his training in the basics separates him from the ordinary. It’s the same with God’s will for your life. He wants to take a civilian mentality and turn it into a Kingdom mentality. A civilian mentality says, “It’s all about me.” A Kingdom mentality says, “It’s all about God.” The Word of God and prayer are your boot camp. Be passionate about it transforming your life. Your destiny is released within the simplicity of a daily walk with God. The discovery of hidden potential will be pressed within the pages of God’s Word. You are in Basic Training. Don’t get exhausted in doing the right thing over and over again. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” You are going to reap if you don’t become faint hearted or lose hope and courage! You can and will never outgrow the basics. You will never reach a place in this life where your Bible won’t be necessary and where you won’t need to pray. There is always more with God. He is the cup the will never run dry. I leave you with this. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” -1 Corinthians 15:58
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:44:56 +0000

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