There a lot of things going on right now. 1. The boycott of - TopicsExpress


There a lot of things going on right now. 1. The boycott of israeli products ( just coke and mcdonalds apparently). I dont know if its making the slightest difference. But then again reports are popping up as if these companies are going to close down soon because of us -_- 2. This Saudi grand mufti issued a fatwa saying its haraam to protest reason being its only being by powerful people to get more power in their areas. (a) why cant saudi call muslims from everywhere to fight ? (b) he might be right , but I dont know whats his role as the grand mufti. (c) people calling saudis kaafirs , wahabi. Some others taking sides saying saudi donates this n that. 3. Then in Syria 150000 people are imprisoned and are going to die as of right now. 150 times of how many died in gaza till now. So people ask why the double standard. Well because they dont have the guts to join ISIS. Most of them say we would march into gaza but you cant. You can go into syria , but will you ??? And then again people critisize ISIS saying the black flags hafeeth is weak , they are khwarij . This and that. 4. Some are hailing hitler while some go in depth and say this is not islam.and then follow a thousand philosophies from a thousand people just because they want to write something different to get attention. And after all this its all the same. You know what ? Im just done !! My brain has stopped responding. So im not going to post anything in this matter from now on. May ALLAAH end our trials.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:43:54 +0000

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