There are 900 homeless dogs in Shelter Pif in the Ukraine. Every - TopicsExpress


There are 900 homeless dogs in Shelter Pif in the Ukraine. Every day, more dogs are abandoned at the shelters gates, and others are found and brought there by shelter volunteers. Can you help these dogs survive? A shelter volunteer struggled to hold back tears when she described the situation. The city of Donetsk is in chaos as the Ukraine struggles with political conflict that has already resulted in deadly violence and could lead to civil war. Terrified people are fleeing for their lives. More than 25,000 have left the area, and many had no choice but to leave their dogs behind. Some of the dogs were left on leashes, tied to their owners homes and unable to scrounge for food. These dogs are hungry, but they are not forgotten. Youve acted in the past to help animals. By donating today, you can help IFAWs Disaster Response team feed these dogs. Supermarkets in Donetsk used to donate surplus meat and fish to the shelter, but they no longer can do so. Every day, more dogs arrive at the Donetsk shelter. One day 19 dogs were brought from the nearby city of Kramatorsk. It costs $380 every day to feed the dogs. So far, IFAW has pledged $10,000. These dogs need you. We cant let them starve. The staff at Shelter Pif is trying to find new owners for the dogs. They have experience in sending dogs to forever homes in Germany, Finland, Luxembourg and Switzerland. But right now, they are struggling to make sure each dog gets the food it needs to survive. Please help. By donating today, you can help IFAWs Disaster Response team feed hungry dogs and help other animals in need around the world. Shannon Walajtys IFAWs Disaster Response Manager
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:27:03 +0000

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