There are Charlie Hebdo cartoons that they dont want everyone to - TopicsExpress


There are Charlie Hebdo cartoons that they dont want everyone to see. Especially here in America where racism is a huge problem. As usual the media decides what is to been seen. France isnt immune either. Cartoon by Cabu depicts and quotes the racist demagogue politician Jean-Marie Le Pen of the Front National party (with the eye patch). The caption reads: We want to be able to go out in the evening without being afraid. The armed thugs in the background are racist skinheads and their ilk. The cartoon leaves little doubt as to who is afraid. Hmmmm...Another by Cabu depicts young people of color looking at a Christmas display of a toy costume for a CRS, the riot control force of the French National police, which has long been accused of brutality and racism. The critique here is about the normalization of police control and militarization and its negative impact specifically against young people of African descent. Then another cartoon by Cabu criticizes racial profiling, specifically discrimination by the French police against immigrants from North Africa and people of African descent. The caption reads: No to racist controls [identity checks]. No wonder the media has chosen not to address the issues in Nigeria... dailykos/story/2015/01/11/1357057/-The-Charlie-Hebdo-cartoons-no-one-is-showing-you?detail=email
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:19:06 +0000

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