There are a couple more things about my new way of life that I - TopicsExpress


There are a couple more things about my new way of life that I know to be true. One is that there is a spiritual solution to every problem. That spiritual solution can be as simple as looking at the problem differently. If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. How nice would that be to have this perplexing problem that seems so big and having no apparent answers to solving it and then you just look at it from another angle and it all makes sense. That is so possible and simple that you won’t believe it until you actually try it. Another thing I have found is that if I learn how to understand other individuals that is knowledge. If I learn how to understand myself that is wisdom. Knowing what makes me tick allows me to change the things I don’t care for in my life. It all starts with awareness. First I have to become aware before I can move toward change. Without awareness I’m stuck in the same old rut I’ve always been in. I need to look over all aspects of my life and see where I can do better. And as I’ve mentioned before one of the biggest areas I can change is the size of my ego. No ego, no problems. Big ego, big problems. If I can live on the basis that we are all equal that will go a long way toward curtailing my ego. I know in some career fields ego is the overriding factor. Is all ego bad? Are there any good uses of the ego? Truthfully, I have looked at those questions and my honest answer is I don’t think so. Being confident in my ability is different than being egotistical about my ability. I can learn something from every encounter I have with another of God’s children. From the homeless man to the Fortune 500 CEO they can all teach me something if I can remain teachable. And I can remain teachable when I let go of ego and thinking I have all the answers.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 20:10:04 +0000

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