There are a few possible reasons a Westies get those nasty stains - TopicsExpress


There are a few possible reasons a Westies get those nasty stains on the beard and paws. Some believe that beef, as the primary protein source, causes beard stains. Other artificial coloring in food and treats, or even a yeast infection called Ptyrosporin or red yeast can be the culprit. But in many cases it’s the high content of minerals in the water in the water they drink. That’s the case in Clancy’s discoloration. Even with using a clean ceramic or stainless bowl with bottled spring water he still gets a slight red or brown tint to his beard. Here is what I do to minimize its appearance. The discoloration right below his front fags is the most concentrated. A breeder who shows his dogs told me a little secret. Clip the hair right below the fangs on the lower lip. It does not affect the appearance of the dogs face shape but does minimize the appearance of redness around hos lower side lip line. I started doing this when Clancy was a pup, and I use rounded point scissors. PLEASE BE CAREFUL IF YOU ATTEMPT THIS, ANY ITEMS (EVEN IF ROUNDED) AROUND YOUR DOGS FACE SHOULD BE DONE WITH GREAT CARE.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:11:56 +0000

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