There are a lot of BIG energies the past couple if days. The - TopicsExpress


There are a lot of BIG energies the past couple if days. The energies have been intensified by this Saturdays full moon. For many of you Empaths, sensitives, and lightworkers, you may feel these energies most intensely. These energies are perceived as stress, restlessness, sadness, or even anger. Remember, these energies are not you, just energies passing through from your environment. You are not alone in feeling this way. I have been reminded, shielding is imperative right now. Center yourself and call upon your inner peace to return you to your Self. Ive heard a lot of people asking for patience and praying for patience. I do not recommend this. Instead I would suggest calling upon your inner strength or using this invocation: Spirit that I am, please shield me and make me a tool of divine peace. Please use me as a conduit of love and light to serve highest good, starting now. Thank you. Asking for patience can bring situations and lessons that make us learn practicing patience. Call upon your preexisting courage and patience that exist within you. If you need help, you can always ask your angels, guides, and other divine sources to assist. They love to help so dont feel guilty in asking for assistance. Conscious breathing is also a great practice to ground you and return you to your center. If intense emotions arise, fall into your breath and with non resistance let these energies pass. You are not these energies. Also try being mindful of your self talk. Refrain from saying things like I am depressed or I am angry and substitute these phrases with I have sadness passing through me or I have anger passing through me. This assists in dissolving negative emotions through non attachment and non resistance. Also use positive affirmations to replace negative feels by claiming I am the source of my happiness, I choose to be happy now I am a magnet for loving relationships and joyful experience. Feel free to create your own affirmations that resonate with you and your experience. Sending much love and light 💖 Please feel free to comment with your experience or share your advise.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:06:02 +0000

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