There are a lot of great things about Shenmue 1 and 2. The - TopicsExpress


There are a lot of great things about Shenmue 1 and 2. The characters, the soundtrack, the story, the freedom...more than I could ever type in a few minutes! But what stood out most when it first arrived on the scene was the sheer beauty and attention to detail when it came to the scenery and the sights around Ryo. No game had quite captured the essence of life the way Shenmue had to that date, and many have tried to follow in its footsteps since; some failing terribly, some succeeding in such a way that you can feel, as well as see, the inspiration that fueled them...if only for fleeting moments. The first scenes of Shenmue were tragic, but ultimately beautiful in a way that we hadnt thought possible yet. The detail was something we had never really fully experienced until that point. And no doubt the cinematic nature of those first scenes...the realism...was what made the journey into the world of Shenmue so possible and true. We were instantly transported into a story that WE were the hero of. We werent just watching/playing it, because of its lifelike nature...its genuine and human realism compared to other games out at the time...WE were INSIDE the story from the very first scenes. Shenmue is its own parallel universe that most of us are lucky enough to be able to enter at whim, a clever creation by a very clever team of people, and even though it has inspired so many new games/stories/movies etc since its release, it has unfortunately been left to collect dust on the development shelves for far too long while other (great, yet) essentially less inspiring games take the credit for its pioneering nature. I dont think that this should be allowed any more. It deserves its place in the sun as the daddy of SO many new stories and journeys that have emerged since and its up to us, Shenmues very own heroes, to hold it up into the light. Keep believing people, and if you have positive, productive, inspiring ideas of how to make Shenmues star shine brighter then dont it (as long as its legal and doesnt harm others! 😊😃) If you have an idea that you dont want to, or CANT accomplish alone, then call on the #SaveShenmue community to help you fulfil your destiny! We are the ones whose lives were inspired by Shenmue, let us be the ones to inspire others to seek out that experience! Do something daring, crazy or just plain inspirational to make Shenmue the most talked about title of 2015. One thing you must remember out of all of this though, we are together in our love for Shenmue, always think about your actions before going through with them. Discuss them on 500k if you arent sure. Dont do anything you know/think will show the community/Shenmues name in a bad light. We want to make people smile and laugh and think...I want some of what those Shenmue fans are having!! 😉 In short, lets make this Shenmues year. Dont give up on it, and if you have a move...make it! Just keep it positive! Well...this went on for far too long! Heres a question! Which view is your favourite out of Shen 1 and 2, and is there a memory that you connect to that view outside of Shenmues world? 😊
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:13:29 +0000

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