There are a lot of movies and videos and other sites that give us - TopicsExpress


There are a lot of movies and videos and other sites that give us a glimpse of what is in the making concerning the new world order. Some may say its overrated and dramatized but for the most part there are hidden truths that expose a conspiracy. There are signs and symbols that portray secret messages to those who are in allegiance to this secret society of the owl. They send messages concerning what is to take place, who to kill, what bombs to send out, what business to close, the stock market, what voices to silence who they want in office to further their cause, keep this in mind, anyone who appears to be a threat to this movement if they cant be conformed they become collateral damage. This takes place from government to the hood. The music industry has become the mainstream that influences the masses by sound and gestures that alert its followers of the new world order agenda. They talk about aliens and how they will take over the earth according to movies that are made but who are the real aliens, are they really from outer space or are they right here planning your demise. Who are really those that are undercover. You would think by appearance that government runs the show but on the contrare. You really believe that the voting concept empowers you to pick a candidate that represents your views and send them to congress think again. There are certain groups of the elite society of the owl that run this whole country in all forms of governments throughout. Dont be fooled, you call it democracy but they have another word, they called it, Anarchy. There are movements in the earth that are being played out, pieces are being moved on the chess board, pawns are being sacrificed to make way for the real players to take over. This government that you swear to has its own genocide of who will be apart of this rebellion against God. Like Hitler and others if you dont fit the bill, you will pay the cost. Something you need to be aware of about health care, it is not about coverage but control. The more the government is in control, the more they will take. The goal of the mark of the beast is to have you dependent on the system for your survival. When the systems of the world crash, you will crash, out of Chaos comes control and this will be the platform for the new world order political messiah with its own religion, the gospel of Inclusion. What you call the United States of America is not really United but United against its own. Jesus speaks of a nation, kingdom or people divided against itself will not stand. Like it or not this country will fall along with all the world as we know it. Stay tuned, not the best but the worst is yet to come. Voices Crying Out In The Wilderness. 407-618-4480.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 20:03:05 +0000

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