There are a lot of people these days living in chaos and getting - TopicsExpress


There are a lot of people these days living in chaos and getting into all of the wrong things in order to try and bring peace to their lives thereby compounding the problem. Many people go though life with a certain amount of discontentment and severely lacking satisfaction, looking for a change in circumstances to be the thing that catapults one into the realm of peace and satisfaction that one strives for. Unfortunately it doesnt work that way. There is only one way to get peace. There is only one place to get peace. All other options only lead to a form of false peace, that over time leads to more frustration and discontentment. Hebrews 13:20-25 plainly states that God gives peace. There is no other way and no other place to get peace in ones life. Thankfully, the Bible isnt into claims that require blind faith, but provides the reason that God is the only place to receive peace. The Bible teaches that the issue with mankind and peace is the reality of death. Regardless of ones views on the afterlife, all people know and understand that time is limited on this earth. Every single person who has ever lived has eventually comes to a point where ones life has ended. Mankind is in the position of making the most of the one life that is given. The reason this is the reality that all people face is because the wages of sin is death, and since all people sin, all people die. An even greater challenge is the spiritual significance of this reality. The Bible teaches that all people are conceived in sin (Psalm 51:5). That being the case, all people are considered sinners in the eyes of God even before a limb is formed in the womb. Since the wages of sin is death, and all are considered sinners before birth, all are born spiritually dead, being disconnected from the Living God in spiritual terms. This is why Jesus said one had to be born again. All people all born disconnected from God, the God who the Bible says is the God of peace in Hebrews 13:20-25. Since mankind is born spiritually dead, all of mankind is born without peace. Thus, people end up going through life in search of satisfaction, joy, and peace, and unless one comes to the truth of God, many people end up searching unsuccessfully. The reason that God is the only source of peace is because God is the only source of life through Jesus Christ. It is the inevitably of death that causes discontentment, fear, and chaos. Hebrews 13:20-25 explains that God brings believers out of the death that sin causes, and into life by Jesus Christ because He raised Himself from the dead to prove there is life after physical death and Jesus is qualified to give it. In this way, Jesus becomes the focal point of how one receives the peace of God since Jesus is able to give eternal life in the quality of the Living God. Hebrews 13:20-25 teaches that Jesus is the shepherd of the sheep in this way. One receives the peace of God through Jesus because He cares of His people as a shepherd cares for his sheep. Jesus feeds, nurtures, protects, and leads His sheep so that those who follow Him are blessed with the satisfaction of Gods nourishment, protection, and direction. The life of a believer has purpose because of this. It is the blood of the everlasting covenant that makes this possible. Jesus (who is God in the flesh) died in order to forgive sin so that the thing that separates mankind from the peace of God would be destroyed. Gods eternal promise is that those who seek Jesus will be joined to God by Jesus, so that as the gap between mankind and God is closed through the destruction of sin, the result is the peace of God imparted unto those who believe. Hebrews 13:20-25 explains that those who have received the peace of God do the work of God in response to the work that Jesus did to save from sin and death. This work brings about satisfaction in ones life as one gains the understanding that God is pleased with the faith that one demonstrates in life. The Bible explains that when one lives for the glory of God by demonstrating ones faith in Jesus in ones life, God is pleased because He is glorified and the result of such is a person receiving the peace of God - the peace that surpasses all understanding and transcends all circumstances. Many people go through life seeking to manipulate circumstances in order to be content and satisfied in life. It never works. The circumstances of life are never as one totally desires them to be. The goals we achieve, the new habits we seek to develop, the relationships we try to forge will never accomplish what we hope. There is only one way to fill the hole that exists inside of every living human being - Jesus Christ. Once one comes to the understanding that the hole in ones life exists because of sin and the inevitable death that comes with it, then one can understand that one needs ones sins forgiven and Jesus is the only place to go. The weight and pressures of life can be heavy, but Jesus promised that if one gives ones burdens over to Him, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. The peace of God is such that no matter what ones life circumstances are, one has the understanding that sin and death no longer affect the outcome of ones spiritual identity. It can be a tough situation living life with the uncertainty of ones existence. Though one may be proficient in hiding the fear one has of death, those quiet moments of solitude remind one of the truth - that life is more than the fun and games one seeks to use to distract ones self from the reality of dissatisfaction that dominates ones life. Peace in life is actually pretty simple. The Bible teaches theres one place to go, and theres only one way to get it. One must simply and humbly approach Jesus in repentance of ones sin, and seek Him by living like Him. No matter the outcome of ones physical circumstances, the Bible promises the God of peace will respond and honor His everlasting promise! Thankfully, there are the testimonies of millions of witnesses in history and in our present world that can vouch for the claims of the Bible as truth! God bless yall! --Bside--
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:54:46 +0000

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