There are a number of characters that Ive identified with in my - TopicsExpress


There are a number of characters that Ive identified with in my walk with Christ, but God has brought me to the story of Ruth time and again. Ruth is memorable to me because of her fierce loyalty to her mother-in-law and how that love and devotion causes her to dramatically change her geographical location and also the course of her life Look said Naomi, your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. Go back with her But Ruth replied Do not urge me to leave you or to turn back from you Where you go- I will go Where you stay- I will stay Your people will be my people and your God my God Where you you die I will be buried May The Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely if even death separates you and me Ruth had found Home- not in her previous family, or her country or even her old religion. Home was found in the arms of the woman she clung to, weeping on that crossroad. These past few months God has given me clarity as to what He would have me do with this one life Ive been given. I know that much like Ruth- I am going to live out my days in a foreign land. Every day I weigh the cost of this decision I wonder if Ruth weighed similar costs that day At this they wept aloud again. Then Orpah kissed her mother in law goodbye, but Ruth clung to her What had gone on in Ruths mind when she watched her sister in law head back down that road Headed back to town... To family To familiarity To security To chance at love again A chance at a normal life again But Ruth embraced her and held on According to Robert Frost, Home is where when you go there, they have to take you in Ruth had found that home was not a geographical location but in the arms of the woman who had loved and cared for her like a daughter for the past ten years. There was an overwhelming love and acceptance that Ruth felt in those arms. A love that was greater than her biological family. A love that was greater than security. A love that gave her courage to leave behind the familiar. A love and acceptance that was far greater than the promise of an easy life. A love that could not be broken, not even in death The love she had found was far more real and far more valuable than any of these former things she had once clung to. She was now holding onto something, or rather someone else. My home is no longer a geographical location that I can point to on any map. My home is found in the arms of my Father. I have been firmly rooted in His Love. It is found in the One who has adopted me into His house and has loved and cared for me all these years. The One who calls me and treats me as His beloved daughter. I look at the road behind that has lead us to this moment and how far weve come and then my gaze turns to the long unknown road ahead. I would be lying if I said that the thought of turning back has never entered my mind. Weve sat at those crossroads and Ive wept I weep openly for all those things that I think I have lost or will lose if I take one more step forward But He holds me in those moments and gives me the strength to keep walking down the unknown road. Love keeps me moving forward when all else tells me to go back For where you Go, I will Go has been my prayer and I pray it every day.Home is where the heart is and my heart is found and belongs to Him And so the two of them traveled together to Bethlehem....
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:43:23 +0000

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