There are always two sides to a story. And this one seems closer - TopicsExpress


There are always two sides to a story. And this one seems closer to the truth than the version our mainstream media spews at us on a daily basis. The CIA and U.S. governments involvement in other countries affairs have indeed created a more destabilized world. We invaded Iraq and Afghanistan publicly, and other countries as well which have been kept from our knowledge, against the will of NATO and the UN counsel. Look where that has brought us today. There are more wars happening now than we are able to keep track of.. Though they may deny such allegations, our government seeks to police the world, yet we have been unable to help every single individual within our own country. How can we expect to help other countries, when we fall short to help ourselves? Our governments spin on the truth is deplorable and goes against our countrys ideals. Or at least the ideals of our founding fathers, of which we claim to abide by. It seems today, with those currently in power, the ideals of America have changed. In my eyes, our government and its affiliates are the terrorists, lurking in the shadows, causing trouble, so when things go awry they may act as if they had nothing to do with the chaos unraveling before us, and come to save the day. Only, when they do act, things becomr worse a few years later! It sickens me to see so many of our brothers and sisters sent into a seemingly never ending war of deception and destruction. I believe in defending the world from tyranny, but it seems we have the ultimate tyrants living along side of us, dressed as sheep, residing upon Capital Hill. I know the people of America are good, and we do great things, but our potential is being tainted and squandered by those who are corrupt with power. It will ultimately lead to our downfall, like all great nations before us. Unless we act properly, and correct the path we currently walk. This will not change over night, so be prepared for a long and difficult battle. Share discourse with friends, relatives and strangers. Talk about these issues! Raise awareness! Change will not arrive until we take the first steps of communication and spread the word. The powers-that-be thrive in their agenda because we believe their bullshit, or just dont care. Enlighten your mind. Seek the truth. Once the light of truth enters your mind, it will illuminate the darkness within, and the lies will deceive you no longer, for a room full of light can never be darkened. Or you can go back to sitting comfortably in your home watching your favorite sitcom or sports team religiously and ignore the state of this world. The choice is ultimately yours to make. I am merely a messenger here to give voice to the unspoken truths of today.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:54:54 +0000

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