There are currently 7 billion people living on one planet, the - TopicsExpress


There are currently 7 billion people living on one planet, the planet we all call home. Everyone live their lives differently, some are happy, some are not, some are rich, some are poor, some are high consumers, some are low, some are free, some are not. How we live our lives may be different, but we are all affecting the state of our home. We are all contributing to depleting our resources, but some more than others. WOMEN VISIT THIS SITE lab.oneoutsouurce/goldmine According to the Living Planet Report, increase in income come hand in hand with urbanization, which leads to increasing ecological footprints. Currently, more than 50% of the world’s population is living in urban areas, a number that is only expected to grow. 70% of the CO2 emission in the world can be sourced back to these areas. A hope however is that good planning and effectiveness can slow the emissions down and assist us in reaching an emissions equilibrium, Research show that there are great differences between cities. Some American cities hava a 30% lower per capita emission, than their country average. This is an example on how efficiency in regards to public transport, waste management and lifestyle can have an impact on our overall issues. In 2050, 67% of the world will live in a city. There are, however, the North-Americans who are contributing most to depleting the world’s resources, despite having a smaller population and a lower consumption increase than many other countries. Europe and Asia is also catching up quickly. To involve Africa and the Asia-Pacific region in this discussion is bordering to insulting. It is true that their emissions have increased drastically, with their rapid population growth, over the last fifty years. Despite this, these regions are currently are the only living in balance with the world’s bio capacity. With the Living Planet Report in mind, maybe we should all start looking at ourselves. What can we do to reach a balance between resources and consumption? We should stop pointing fingers and start acting. What can we do to get our home back? When are our governments going to start to take responsibility? WOMEN VISIT THIS SITE lab.oneoutsouurce/goldmine
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:05:17 +0000

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