There are far more reasons to fire President Barack Hussein Obama - TopicsExpress


There are far more reasons to fire President Barack Hussein Obama than can be addressed in a single column. Here are just a few reasons that should be considered. President Obama believes that the U.S. Constitution is flawed, and despite his oath to protect and defend it, he has consistently ignored it. Almost immediately after taking office, he assumed power not granted to him by the Constitution. He took control over the auto industry. He picked GMs board of directors. He cancelled debt owed to bond holders and gave that money to labor unions instead. He, through his people, decided which dealerships would close and which would remain open. Most of those that were closed, not surprisingly, were owned by Republican supporters. President Obama sent military forces to bomb Libya without even notifying Congress. No war was declared, and, and according to the War Powers Act (Section 2(c)), to use military power without Congressional approval, the nation has to be under eminent threat of attack. Libya was not about to attack the U.S. His Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, told a Congressional committee that the Obama administration would seek permission from the U.N. for military action, before informing Congress of what action was taken. Forty-three Presidents and 111 Congresses found no authority in the Constitution to force free Americans to purchase a government-specified product. Obama assumed and declared this authority in his ObamaCare, bill. There is no Constitutional authority for these actions. President Obama believes in the One World vision under the authority of the United Nations. From his first trips to foreign countries, he has bowed to foreign leaders and apologized for Americas accomplishments. He has accepted the U.N.s theory that the earth is dying because of population growth and abuse of resources. His entire energy policy is based on complying with the U.N.s theory that climate change is caused by carbon emissions from fossil fuel. More than 31,000 scientists say publicly that there is no human-caused global warming, nor is it likely in the future. The U.N. theory is based on computer models that fail to reflect reality. Models predicted a two-degree rise in temperature since the industrial revolution. Reality is a temperature rise of less than one degree, which cannot be attributed to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 18:57:05 +0000

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