††† There are five things you should know about todays war - TopicsExpress


††† There are five things you should know about todays war torn world: 1) Islam gives men the idea that murdering non-Muslims, raping, torturing and pillaging infidels is not only good but earns fantastic celestial rewards. This means Islam gives men a license to spread evil horror around the globe. 2) This is not extremist or radical Islam. The only extremists in Islam are those who refuse to obey the Quran or imitate Mohammad. 3) All communal horror around the globe comes from Islam. There is no other system which reliably promises rewards for murdering ones own daughters (except Pro Choice of course) or hanging gays or beheading children or raping infidels or robbing, destroying and conquering other countries for allah. 4) ISIS is just another name for Sunni Muslims. Dont let the myriad name creations and changes confuse you. All the bloody horror is PURE ISLAM as practiced by Mohammad. Today it is perpetrated by SUNNI MUSLIMS. Hussein Obama is their chief Sunni accomplice, financier and enabler. He is the force behind ISIS. And Saudi Arabia is the force behind him. And the Quran behind that, then Mohammad, then the devil. 5) There is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim. Because handing a Quran to a child says: I propagate religious murder and HATE HUMAN RIGHTS. ============================== We must act now: === Trying Hussein Obama for TREASON makes sense. === Lawfully Hanging Hussein by Military Tribunal is just. === Leaders of America -- What are you waiting for? ARREST OUR TRAITOR IN CHIEF BanIslamNOW † IslamIsUnlawful IslamOcaust † Murdlam
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 02:09:32 +0000

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