There are good reasons to think prayer and fasting changes the - TopicsExpress


There are good reasons to think prayer and fasting changes the fabric of life itself and the dimensions of time. The 20th and 21st centuries have been significantly marked by many visitations of the Mother of Christ, calling people to prayer in order to change the negative trajectory of humanity. At Fatima 1917, the message of prayer, and the transformation of lives, was requested by the Holy Mother in order to prevent World War Two. This war would come as a consequence of human selfishness and egotism, i.e. sin. Prayer was requested as the repairer of its effects, in order to prevent war from happening. We did not truly listen In Kibheo, Rwanda, 10 years before the horrific genocide, Our Lady called the nation to prayer and transformation of life in order to prevent the genocide which she foretold would happen if her message was not heeded. We did not truly listen A group of Jesuits living half a mile from the epicentre of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, 1945, had lived the message of Fatima. They survived the nuclear blast which is estimated to have reached 5000 degrees. Everything around them was disintegrated and they and their house stood, hardly damaged. These priests never suffered any radioactive poisoning. Their prayer literally created their protection. THEY LISTENED!!! In the visions of Our Lady in Medjugorje, the Holy Mother is reported to say "With prayer and fasting you can prevent war, you can suspend natural laws". How often do we need to be told? How often do we remain unmoved?
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 22:30:24 +0000

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